ethereumjs browser builds
This repository contains browser builds of certain ethereumjs libraries. They are built using browserify with a known set of working dependencies.
In your web application, include only one of the builds form the dist
directory. All exports will be available under the global EthJS
You should be import they first:
windowrandomBytes = asyncRandomByteswindowscryptsy = safeCryptoscrypt
let code = await EthJsMnemonic const derivePath = `m/44'/60'/0'/0/0`let seedBuffer = EthJsMnemonic const key = EthJsWalletHD; const wallet = key; ------------------------- const wallet = await EthJsWallet
Note: all packages expect ECMAScript 6 (ES6) as a minimum environment. From browsers lacking ES6 support, please use a shim (like es6-shim) before including any of the builds from this repo.
Run webpack
to generate a new set up builds. Change package.json
to require different versions of the libraries.