
1.3.0 • Public • Published


This small library provides implementations of NonEmptyList and NonEmptyArray: collection structures that guarantee you'll have at least one value. Additionally, you can build on top of the NonEmptyBase module to make a NonEmpty* version of your own collection type.


Install via npm:

npm install --save bs-nonempty

Update your bsconfig.json

"bs-dependencies": [


The following demonstrates the API for using this library with List, but from these examples, it should be pretty easy to figure out how the NonEmptyArray version works.

Construct a NonEmptyList

For constructing a new NonEmptyList.t, you can use make, pure, cons, and fromT. You can turn your NonEmptyList.t into a list using toT. The signatures of those functions look like:

let make: ('a, list('a)) => NonEmptyList.t('a);
let pure: ('a) => NonEmptyList.t('a);
let cons: ('a, NonEmptyList.t('a)) => NonEmptyList.t('a);
let fromT: list('a) => option(NonEmptyList.t('a));
let toT: NonEmptyList.t('a) => list('a);

You can use those functions like this:

/* "import" from NonEmptyList */
let (make, pure, cons, head, tail, fromT, toT) =
  NonEmptyList(make, pure, cons, head, tail, fromT, toT);
let myNel = pure(3);
head(myNel); /* 3 -- Note that this is not Some(3) */
tail(myNel); /* [] */
make(3, [2, 1]) == cons(3, cons(2, pure(1)));
toT(make(3, [2, 1])) == [3, 2, 1];
fromT(["A"]) == Some(make("A", [])) == Some(pure("A"));
fromT([]) == None;

Map, fold (reduce), and more

let map: ('a => 'b, NonEmptyList.t('a)) => NonEmptyList.t('b);
let fold_left: (('a, 'b) => 'a, 'a, NonEmptyList.t('b)) => 'a;
let foldl1: (('a, 'a) => 'a, NonEmptyList.t('a)) => 'a;
let myNel = make(0, [1, 2, 3, 4]);
map(string_of_int, myNel); /* == make("0", ["1", "2", "3", "4"]) */
fold_left((+), 0, myNel); /* 10 */
foldl1((+), myNel); /* 10 */
let append: (NonEmptyList.t('a), NonEmptyList.t('a)) => NonEmptyList.t('a);
let join: (NonEmptyList.t(NonEmptyList.t('a))) => NonEmptyList.t('a);
let reverse: NonEmptyList.t('a) => NonEmptyList.t('a);
let length: NonEmptyList.t('a) => int;


Note: If "semigroup" is a word that freaks you out, you can ignore this entire section. You already know more than enough to use this library. But if you're already familiar with bs-abstract, the following might come in handy.

NonEmpty is built on top of the great work in bs-abstract. Every NonEmpty* implementation (currently List and Array) is a member of the following typeclasses (which can be accessed like

  • MAGMA_ANY and SEMIGROUP_ANY with infix append (e.g. NonEmptyList.Infix.(<:>))
  • FUNCTOR with infix map (e.g. NonEmptyList.Infix.(<$>))
  • APPLY and APPLICATIVE with infix apply (e.g. NonEmptyList.Infix.(<*>))
  • MONAD with infix flat_map (e.g. NonEmptyList.Infix.(>>=))

Additionally, to roll your own NonEmpty* type, the underlying container type needs to be a member of MONOID_ANY, APPLICATIVE, and FOLDABLE (as well as provide implementations for head, tail, and length functions). See the implementations of NonEmptyList and NonEmptyArray for examples.


  1. Fork and clone this repository
  2. npm install to grab bs-abstract and any dev dependencies
  3. Add features (and tests!) as appropriate
  4. npm run test

Here are some things worth contributing:

  • fold_right implementation so we can be a member of FOLDABLE
  • EQ if the underlying 'a is a member of EQ
  • TRAVERSABLE if the underlying 'a is a member of APPLICATIVE
  • docblock comments so we can automate the documentation
  • Any extra utility functions or NonEmptyOtherCollectionType implementations


Released under the MIT license. See LICENSE.


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