Re-usable Butterfly React Chart Component allows to visually compare bar graph time series data analysis of 2 datasets that represent same period of time.
npm install --save-dev butterfly-chart-react
# using npm
yarn add butterfly-chart-react
# using yarn
Example use
;; state = title: 'Chart Title' option_select_1: 'Dataset Title 1' option_select_2: 'Dataset Title 2' highest_value: '' data_option_1: time_period: '2010' value: '345' time_period: '2011' value: '650' data_option_2: time_period: '2010' value: '345' time_period: '2011' value: '650' barColor_1: '#aab6ca' barColor_2: '#c7f0db' { return <div className="App"> <ButterflyChart title=thisstatetitle option_select_1=thisstateoption_select_1 option_select_2=thisstateoption_select_2 data_option_1=thisstatedata_option_1 data_option_2=thisstatedata_option_2 highest_value=thisstatehighest_value barColor_1=thisstatebarColor_1 barColor_2=thisstatebarColor_2 /> </div> ; }
Please use state as shown above. When using data returned by an API that can be structured very differently, the easiest way would be to loop/map through that data and put it in the similarly structured state.
Additional usage notes:
- Bars flip 180 degrees around x axis upon hovering over
- Add your desired bar colors into the state
- No need to update highest value variable in the state, it gets calculated automatically. Bar size will be calculated automatically as fractions of the highest value for 2 datasets
- Only state needs to be modified in order for chart to be used.