Node Cache Manager store for Filesystem with binary data
The Filesystem store for the node-cache-manager module, storing binary data as separate files, returning them as readable streams or buffers.
This should be convenient for caching binary data and sending them as streams to a consumer, e.g. res.send()
The library caches on disk arbitrary data, but values of an object under the special key binary
is stored as separate files.
Node.js versions
Works with versions upper than 16.x
npm install cache-manager-fs-stream --save
- limit maximum size on disk
- refill cache on startup (in case of application restart)
- returns binary data as buffers or readable streams
- can store buffers inside the single cache file
Single store
// node cachemanager
import { caching } from 'cache-manager';
// storage for the cachemanager
import { DiskStoreCache, create } from 'cache-manager-fs-stream';
// initialize caching on disk
const diskstore = create({
ttl: 60 * 60 /* seconds */,
maxsize: 1000 * 1000 * 1000 /* max size in bytes on disk */,
path: 'diskcache',
binaryEncode: true, // File will be binary encoded (serialized with v8)
zip: true, // use zip to compress the cache files
const diskCache = await caching(diskstore);
// ...
var cacheKey = 'userImageWatermarked:' + + ':' +;
var ttl = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 1000; // in ms
// wrapper function, see more examples at node-cache-manager
const result = diskCache.wrap(
// called if the cache misses in order to generate the value to cache
async () => {
// get the image from the database
return value; // value can be object, Buffer, Stream
// Options, see node-cache-manager for more examples
{ ttl: ttl },
options for store initialization
// default values
// time to live in seconds
options.ttl = 60;
// path for cached files
options.path = 'cache/';
// prevent filling of the cache with the files from the cache-directory
options.preventfill = false;
// if true the main cache files will be zipped (not the binary ones) = false;
// maximum size of the cache in bytes
options.maxsize = 1000 * 1000 * 1000;
// if true, the binary files are encoded with v8
options.binaryEncode = false;
To run tests:
npm test
cache-manager-fs-stream is licensed under the MIT license.
Based on