
0.2.16 • Public • Published


Assert an error thrown (a)synchronously by a function.

Made with ❤ at @outlandish

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Catch and Match

Sometimes asserting that something just throws isn't enough. catch-and-match allows you to assert that a function which should throw throws the error you expect. This is particularly useful for testing functions that produce error messages which provide useful feedback (the best kind of functions!).

Assert error is an instance of Error (e.g. ReferenceError)

Replace a traditional try/catch

it('should throw a ReferenceError', function (cb) {
    // Without catch-and-match                   |  // With catch-and-match
    try {                                        |  catchAndMatch(
        String(a);  // a === undefined           |      () => String(a),
    } catch (err) {                              |      ReferenceError,
        if (!(err instanceof ReferenceError)) {  |      cb);
            cb(new Error());                     |
            return;                              |  // Or return a Promise
        }                                        |  return catchAndMatch(
        cb();                                    |      () => String(a),
    }                                            |      ReferenceError);

Replace catching a rejected Promise

it('should throw a ReferenceError', function () {
    // Without catch-and-match                       |  // With catch-and-match
    return someFuncThatRejects()                     |  catchAndMatch(
        .catch((err) => {                            |      someFuncThatRejects,
            if (!(err instanceof ReferenceError)) {  |      ReferenceError);
                throw err;                           |
            }                                        |
        });                                          |

Assert error message using a regular expression

it('should throw with error message containing "not defined"', function (cb) {
    return catchAndMatch(() => String(a), /not defined/);

Assert error message using a string

it('should throw with error message "a is not defined"', function (cb) {
    return catchAndMatch(() => String(a), 'a is not defined');

Assert error matches custom validation

it('should throw with error message "a is not defined"', function (cb) {
    return catchAndMatch(() => String(a), function (err) {
        return err.message === 'a is not defined';


catchAndMatch(fn, matcher[, cb]) : Promise

fn {Function} function that should throw traditionally or within a Promise

  • if fn does not throw, catch-and-match returns a rejected Promise and calls cb with an error as its first argument
  • if fn throws the error is tested against matcher (see below)

matcher {RegExp|String|Function|Error} method of inspecting error:

  • a Function is passed the error and should return true when the test should pass
  • a String is turned to simple RegExp (new RegExp(str))
  • a RegExp is tested against the error message (re.test(err.message))
  • an Error (any constructor that inherits from Error) is matched against the error (e.g. err.constructor === ReferenceError)

cb {Function} (optional) error-first callback


If in your tests you are placing function invocations within a try block to purposefully cause them to throw and then calling the test's 'done' callback within the catch after inspecting the error, you can replace this pattern with a catchAndMatch:

Example function

function log (str) {
    if (typeof str !== 'string') {
        throw new Error('str should be a string');


it('should throw an error without correct arguments', function (cb) {
    try {
        // make the function throw by passing an illegal argument
    } catch (err) {
        // inspect that the error thrown has the right message
        if (err.message.includes('should be a string')) {
        // the wrong error was thrown, so fail the test
        cb(new Error('wrong error thrown'));

After, using Promise

// Passes with string matcher
it('should throw an error without correct arguments', function () {
    return catchAndMatch(log.bind(undefined, 'hello'), /should be a string/);

// Passes with function matcher
it('should throw an error without correct arguments', function () {
    return catchAndMatch(log.bind(undefined, 10), function (err) {
        return err.includes('should be a string');

After, using callback

// Fails with RegExp matcher
it('should throw an error without correct arguments', function (cb) {
    catchAndMatch(log.bind(undefined, 10), /should be a string/, cb);


All pull requests and issues welcome! If you're not sure how, check out Kent C. Dodds' great video tutorials on!


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