CCTZ is a C++ library for translating between absolute and civil times using the rules of a time zone.
You will need C++11 compatible compiler to build this binding. For most systems this will work:
$ npm install --save cctz
If you have Ubuntu 12.04, then install clang-3.4
and set-up environment:
$ sudo apt-get install clang-3.4
$ export CXX=clang++
$ export npm_config_clang=1
const {convert, format, CivilTime} = require('cctz');
const unix = convert(new CivilTime(2015, 9, 22, 9), 'America/Los_Angeles');
console.log(format('Talk starts at %T %z (%Z)', unix, 'America/New_York'));
// => Talk starts at 12:00:00 -0400 (EDT)
Converts CivilTime
to unix timestamp and vice versa.
Type: CivilTime
or number
If time
is CivilTime
, then method returns Unix timestamp (without fractional part).
Otherwise returns CivilTime
Type: TimeZone
or string
TimeZone objcet, that represents target timezone for converting.
Returns formatted unix timestamp according to timezone.
Type: string
Format of output. See strftime documentation and Google CCTZ sources for syntax.
Type: number
Unix timestamp in seconds (can have fractional part).
Type: TimeZone
or string
Default: local timezone
TimeZone objcet, that represents target timezone for formatting.
Parses input
string according to format
string (assuming input
in timezone
Returns unix timestamp or undefined
if parsing failed.
Type: string
Format of input
argument. See strftime documentation and Google CCTZ sources for syntax.
Type: string
Input string to parse.
Type: TimeZone
or string
Default: Timezone from input
or local timezone
Timezone, that should be used in parse. Timezone can be part of input:
cctz.parse('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Ez', '2015-09-22 09:35:12+03:00');
Alias for
Use this method instead new TimeZone
– because it caches TimeZone
objects inside.
Returns TimeZone
Type: string
Timezone name, that should be loaded from /usr/share/zoneinfo
Alias for
Math.floor( / 1000)
Returns unix timestamp in seconds. All methods can accept timestamp with fractional milliseconds (if you need such accuracy).
Holder for cctz::civil_second
with getters and setters for properties.
Creates CivilTime object with next properties:
– getter and setter -
– getter and setter [1:12] -
– getter and setter [1:31] -
– getter and setter [0:23] -
– getter and setter [0:59] -
– getter and setter [0:59] -
– only getter [1:356] -
– only getter [0:6]
Tip: Fastest way to add amount of time is to add number of seconds to unix timestamp.
Returns new CivilTime object with start of year.
Returns new CivilTime object with start of month.
Returns new CivilTime object with start of day.
Returns new CivilTime object with start of hour.
Returns cloned CivilTime object.
Holder for cctz::time_zone
Creates new object with TimeZone.
Returns cctz::absolute_lookup
Returns cctz::civil_lookup
Name of TimeZone.
Format (cctz) x 532,683 ops/sec ±2.80% (78 runs sampled)
(Date) x 191,400 ops/sec ±2.59% (81 runs sampled)
(date-fns) x 91,772 ops/sec ±1.58% (85 runs sampled)
(moment) x 56,508 ops/sec ±6.35% (76 runs sampled)
Parse (cctz) x 1,105,353 ops/sec ±0.59% (86 runs sampled)
(Date) x 1,200,218 ops/sec ±2.00% (82 runs sampled)
(date-fns) x 249,225 ops/sec ±5.00% (77 runs sampled)
(moment) x 23,905 ops/sec ±1.91% (80 runs sampled)
Add hour (cctz) x 6,123,083 ops/sec ±5.39% (82 runs sampled)
(Date) x 3,604,915 ops/sec ±1.13% (69 runs sampled)
(date-fns) x 3,211,900 ops/sec ±2.28% (81 runs sampled)
(moment) x 590,854 ops/sec ±8.48% (72 runs sampled)
Convert Ut->Time (cctz) x 653,305 ops/sec ±9.33% (68 runs sampled)
(moment) x 144,580 ops/sec ±2.18% (83 runs sampled)
Convert Time->Ut (cctz) x 987,437 ops/sec ±11.68% (70 runs sampled)
(moment) x 154,492 ops/sec ±3.54% (82 runs sampled)
Run npm i
and then npm run bench
MIT © Vsevolod Strukchinsky