Plugin for Chart.js to add labels between columns to show the % progress in the same dataset. Chart.js 2.6.0 or above required.
Written by Albert Gonzalez and released under the Unlicense.
Some improvements (border color, border gradient color and label text) thanks to Pawel M.
Add the chartjs-plugin-funnel-label.js and use the funnel_labels options to enable the plugin and override the default values.
It works only in bar charts with one dataset and will show the % difference between each bar.
new Chart($("#chart"), { type: 'bar', data: { labels: ["Alpha Value", "Beta Value", "Charlie Value", "Delta Value"], datasets: [{ label: 'First Dataset', data: [555, 302, 175, 50], backgroundColor: "rgba(75, 192, 192, 1)" }] }, options: { scales: { yAxes: [{ ticks: { beginAtZero: true } }], xAxes: [{ barPercentage: 0.3 }] }, funnel_labels: { enabled: true, background_color: "red" } }});
Current options
They're set in the label_options object with these default values:
label_options: { enabled: false, font_style: "normal", font_family: "Arial", font_color: "white", background_color: "#FFBA4B", rectangle_width_scale_factor: 5, show_zeros: true, min_width_upper_label: 150, allow_upper_label: true, force_upper_label: false, border_color: "#FFBA4B", border_colors: [], sub_text: null, sub_text_style: "normal", text_align: "center", label_centered: true}
width for each label rectangle = width between two bars / rectangle_width_scale_factor
If true will show the labels with a 0% value (otherwise will hide them).
If the width between two bars is smaller than this value the labels will appear over them.
If set to false, the labels over the bars won't appear (it won't draw anything).
If true will always show the labels over the bars (this will override the allow_upper_label option).
Single color for the borders.
An array of colors to create a gradient between them.
Optional label text
Style for the text
Alignment for the text
If true will center the label on the bar (vertically).
Known issues
- The plugin can't handle more than one dataset and it just won't draw anything.