
1.0.0 • Public • Published


Command line tool for Chronos.

Install with the following command:

npm install -g chronos-toolkit

This will save an executable called chronostoolkit to /usr/local/bin/

Configs and authorization

The default config file (default_config.json) included in the project contains:

  • Path to the file with app key and secret (cannot be overridden from custom config)
  • AUM and Chronos URLs (can be overridden from custom config)

To override AUM and Chronos URLs, as well as to provide Docker credentials, place a file called config.json in ~/.chronos/. Refer to sample_custom_config.json to see what goes into this config file.

If you do not wish to override default localhost AUM and Chronos URLs, do not include the corresponding fields in your custom config.json


  • chronostoolkit allinfo

Prints a table with description of all the jobs. Sample output:

│ ID                                   │ Name        │ State          │ Status  │ Schedule  │ Times Executed │ Next Scheduled Time           │
│ e02841ef-88b1-47b0-bf11-5e642e332e86 │ testjob1    │ notschedulable │ success │ 0 * * * * │ 1              │ Tue, 25 Jul 2017 18:55:00 GMT │
│ 3e794a07-36b8-4794-a173-a95de41541f6 │ testjob2    │ notschedulable │ success │ 0 * * * * │ 2              │ Tue, 25 Jul 2017 18:55:00 GMT │
  • chronostoolkit info {jobID}

Prints information for a job with the provided job ID. Sample output:

│ ID                                   │ Name        │ State          │ Status  │ Schedule  │ Times Executed │ Next Scheduled Time           │
│ e02841ef-88b1-47b0-bf11-5e642e332e86 │ testjob3    │ notschedulable │ success │ 0 * * * * │ 4              │ Tue, 27 Jul 2017 13:55:00 GMT │
  • chronostoolkit login

If an app key and secret are found in ~/.chronos/credentials.json, this command will print the token. If not found, it will prompt for app key and secret, save them to ~/.chronos/credentials.json and then print token.

  • chronostoolkit publish

Publishes the job with the name provided in your custom config file in ~/.chronos/

  • chronostoolkit remove {jobID}

Removes the job with provided job ID. Sample output:

Removed the job with job ID: e812b3b3-62e1-4df6-90ab-63b5ed55ded9
  • chronostoolkit schedule

Schedules the job with description provided in chronos.json

Job description file needs to have the following format:

  "version": "1.0.0",
  "name": "your_job_name",
  "schedule": "0 * * * *",
  "repeat": 0,
  "callback": "http://localhost:3007/jobcallback/uno",
  "check_in_threshold": 240,
  "arguments": "{\"arg1\": 500}"

Refer to Chronos documentation for explanation of each field.

  • chronostoolkit stop {jobID}

Force stops the job with the provided job ID. Sample output:

Force stopped the job with job ID:  e812b3b3-62e1-4df6-90ab-63b5ed55ded9
  • chronostoolkit version

Prints version of Chronos. Sample output:

Chronos Server 0.0.1


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    • robjsliwa