
1.0.0 • Public • Published

cj-scripts 💻

Scripts for front end gangsters writing React apps.

What is it?

cj-scripts is a CLI that abstracts linting, formatting, transpiling, testing, building, and serving React projects into one dependency. Think of it like a poor man's react-scripts.

Here are some things included:

  • Webpack config for dev and prod
  • Dev middleware attached to your Express application with hot reloading
  • Babel configuration
  • .env file support
  • Configured Jest testing
  • Multi-core utilzation for production builds

How do I use it?

  1. Install it:
  npm i cj-scripts
  1. Create a .env file at the root of your app for your environment variables.

  2. Add cj-scripts/babel as a preset to your .babelrc (but Babel itself is not required):

  "presets": ["cj-scripts/babel"]
  1. Create a src/index.js file that bootstraps your client-side app.

  2. Export an Express application at server/app.js called app. This should probably route to your client-side app, serve static assets, and any other logic you might want (except for dev middleware, that's included when running cj-scripts start).

  import express from 'express';
  export const app = express();
  // your server logic...
  1. Run any of the commands below within the context of your app (i.e. put them in your package.json scripts)


cj-scripts start

  • Start your Express app with development middleware attached.
  • This command expects src/index.js as the bootstrap file for your client-side app.
  • By default this will look for a named export of an Express server/router called app in /server/app.js, but this path can be changed with the CJ_SCRIPTS_APP_PATH environment variable.
  • The PORT environment variable can also be used to dictate the port (the default value is 3000).

cj-scripts test

  • Fire up Jest in watch mode or optimized for CI based on the environment.
  • You can add a file at config/setupTests.js in your app to run initialization code for testing (think Enzyme adapter setup or global overrides).

cj-scripts build

  • Build the production assets into a build directory at the root of your app.
  • The PUBLIC_URL environment variable can be set to serve your app at a path other than the root.

cj-scripts start-prod

  • Run your Express app in production mode using the cluster module to take advantage of multiple cores.
  • The PUBLIC_URL environment variable can be set to serve your app at a path other than the root.
  • The PORT environment variable can also be used to dictate the port (the default value is 3000).


import { getAppEnv } from 'cj-scripts'
const env = getAppEnv()

You can use getAppEnv() to collect environment variables from a .env file at the root of your app.


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  • cullenjett