Use colorful progress-bar for command-line/terminal applications.
npm install cli-colorful-progress
const ColorfulProgress = require('cli-colorful-progress')
const maximum = 100
const bar = new ColorfulProgress()
let val = 0
const step = 1
const intervalId = setInterval(function () {
current: val,
leftString: Math.floor((val / maximum) * 100) + '% ',
' ' +
(val > maximum / 2
? val === maximum
? 'done'
: 'almost done'
: 'begin'),
val = val + step
if (val > maximum) {
}, 10)
Show a process bar in terminal. Return an instance of process bar.
Options can be undefined or an object.
// 'minimum' is used to compute progress.
// It should be a number.
minimum: 0,
// 'maximum' is used to compute progress.
// It should be a number and > minimum.
maximum: 100,
// 'current' is used to compute progress.
// It should be a number, >= minimum and <= maximum.
current: 0,
// 'width' defines the progress bar's width.
// It means the count of space in terminal.
// It should be an integer and > 0.
width: Math.floor(process.stdout.columns / 4),
// 'colors' defines color gradient of progress bar.
// It should be an array and its length should be >=2 .
// The items in the array should be a hex string.
// e.g. ['#9c27b0', '#2196f3', '#b2ebf2']
colors: ['#f44336', '#ffeb3b'],
// 'backgroundColor' defines background color of progress bar.
// It should be a hex string or undefined.
// When it is undefined, background color of progress bar is transparent.
// e.g. '#eeeeee'
backgroundColor: undefined,
// 'leftString' defines the string on the left of progress bar.
leftString: '',
// 'rightString' defines the string on the right of progress bar.
rightString: '',
// 'autoDisappear' defines whether the progress bar disappears when the progress is done.
autoDisappear: false,
set any parameter of progress bar.
Options defines same as options in 'new ColorfulProgress(options?)'.