
1.0.4 • Public • Published

CLI Task Runner


  • node ^8.0.0


Create an entry point for the cli tool. Usually it will be index.js at the root of your package in your package.json file, specify the "bin" property, with the name of your cli tool, and the file to run. Typically it would be

// in package.json

"bin": {
  "my-cli": "node ./index.js"

then you can invoke your tool with my-cli [command] <arg> -o ...

In your index.js file, do the following :

// first create your task

 * @typedef step
 * @type {Object}
 * @property {String} step.start: start message for the step
 * @property {Function} function to perform the task, invoked with the task configuration
 * @property {String} step.error: error message to display when the step fails
 * @property {String} step.completion: completion message to display when the step ends

 * @typedef task
 * @type {Object}
 * @property {String} : name of the task
 * @property {String?} task.startMessage: optional message to display when the task starts
 * @property {Function?} task.prerequisiteChecker: optional predicate function to evaluate whether the task can run
 * invoked with { cliArgs, cliOptions }
 * @property {Function} task.configurator: Function which takes the cli arguments and returns a configuration object
 * for the task. invoked with { cliArgs, cliOptions }
 * @property {step[]} task.steps: array of steps to perform
 * @property {Function?} task.cleanup: Optional cleanup function to run after the task is finished

const myTask = {
  name: "My Task",
  startMessage: "Running my task. Bear with us",
  prerequisitesChecker({ cliArgs, cliOptions }) {
    /* checks env or anything else - throws if not ok, returns true if ok */
  configurator({ cliArgs, cliOptions }) {
    /* builds a configuration object based on cliArgs & cliOptions.
                                                the config object is passed to each step below */
  steps: [
      start: "Running first step",
      run(config) {
        /* this is where you actually do something */
      error: "Could not run the step ! 😱",
      completion: "step done !",
      start: "Running step 2",
      run(config) {
        /* this is where you actually do something */
      error: "Nope, didn't work",
      completion: "Yay !",

// Then register your commands.

 * @typedef {Object} command - follows the rules of the commander package command syntax
 * @typedef {String} command.syntax: syntax of the command. Can contain arguments, the last one being optionally
 * variadic (i.e. fn(arg1, arg2, ...arg3))
 * @typedef {Array} command.options: options available for the command - each command is an array representing the
 * arguments to pass to program.option()
 * @typedef {Function} command.action: function to execute when the command is invoked in the CLI tool.
 * The signature of the function contains the arguments passed to the CLI tool, and an object containing all the
 * options passed like function commandAction(...cliArgs, cliOptions) {}

const commands = [
    syntax: "my task <arg1>",
    options: [
      ["-o, --cli-option", "This one has no type so it will be a boolean"],
        "-d, --destination-path [path]",
        "Define a custom output path for the template project",
    action: myTask,

// Last but not least, import the function from this package

const runCLI = require("cli-task-runner");
const { version, name } = require("./package.json"); // version can be a string but it's good practice to pull it from package.json

runCLI(commands, name, version); // that's it !

Cherry on top, your CLI tool can use some of the utility packages :


// get the s3 object. it will pull credentials & config from ~/.aws/credentials
const s3 = require("cli-task-runner/utils/aws");

const Contents = await s3.list("s3Bucket/Path/To/List");
const Body = await s3.getContent("s3Bucket/Path/To/File.json");
const Etag = await s3.getEtag("s3Bucket/Path/To/File.json");
const result = await s3.set("pathToPut", data, ACL = "public-read");
// this function is curried & can be used with partial application
const resultCurried = await s3.set("pathToPut")(data);
const resultRemove = await s3.remove("pathToRemove");

File :

const file = require("cli-task-runner/utils/file");
const result = await file.writeFileAsync(path, data); //promisied version of fs.writeFile
const result = await file.writeJsonToFile(path, jsonObject); //pretty json writing of a file based on a plain js object
const result = file.copyFiles(source, files, destination, fileNameMapper = R.identity);
// copies a list of files from one folder to another. Optional fileNameMapper function can be used to selectively modified the ouput name of specific files - sync process !
const result = await file.copyFolder(source, destination, fileNameMapper = R.identity);
// copies files from one folder to another (all files)


// consistent logging messages :
const logger = require("cli-task-runner/utils/logger");
logger.welcome({ packageName, version, scriptName }, message);
logger.error(message, error); // this function is curried
logger.error(message)(error); // if error has a stacktrace, it will be printed

Render (EJS);

// renders an .ejs file template
const renderFile = require("cli-task-runner/utils/render");
const result = await renderFile(templatePath, filePath, data);
// inflates the template with the data, and writes the output at the file path

Shell :

const shell = require("cli-task-runner/utils/shell");
try {
  const stout = await shell.exec(cmd, options);
} catch (e) {
  console.log(e) // will spit out stderr

shell.npm("add react@16.0.0 react-native@0.50.4", process.cwd(), options);

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