
1.0.5 • Public • Published

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The Cloud Testing Agent is a purpose-built tool crafted for the testing of Coog cloud application services. Its design enables seamless integration with the entire application delivery pipeline within the Coopengo cloud application platform.

Table of Contents


Install dependencies

$ yarn install

Enable environment variables using the shell extension direnv:

$ cp .envrc.example .envrc
$ direnv allow

Please be aware that if your database hasn't undergone the initialization process, specifically with regards to the 'user' table, it's essential to perform a pre-initialization step. This entails the creation of two user accounts: one as a super administrator named 'superadmin,' and the other as a user named 'coog.' Ensure that 'coog' is granted permissions to read, create, delete, and update all database objects except for the 'user' table.

See section Seeding below.

Running the app

# Development - Start application
$ yarn start

# Watch mode - Start application in watch mode
$ yarn start:dev

# Production mode - Start built application
$ yarn start:prod

By default, the application is running to http://localhost:3000


# unit tests
$ yarn test

# e2e tests
$ yarn test:e2e

# test coverage
$ yarn test:cov

Swagger Documentation

By default, while the application is running, open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000/api to see the Swagger UI: Swagger UI

Custom variables

By default, th application running to the port 3000, but you can customize this value thanks to the variable SERVER_PORT

export SERVER_PORT=7000


Seeding is used to insert data into the database. The seeding files are stored in modules/orm/seeders directory.

    npx cross-env NODE_ENV=dev yarn orm seeder:run   # seeds data


When a commit to the main branch has Release-As: x.x.x (case insensitive) in the commit body, Release Please will open a new pull request for the specified version.

Empty commit example:

git commit --allow-empty -m "chore: release 0.2.0" -m "Release-As: 0.2.0"

results in the following commit message:

chore: release 2.0.0

Release-As: 2.0.0


Execute the Scanner

Running a SonarQube analysis is straighforward. Locally, you just need to execute the following commands in your project's folder.

Generate pre-scan reports

Generate unit test coverage report

yarn test:cov

Generate security vulnaribility report

./scripts/ -f ALL -s . --out reports/dependency-check --project "coog-cloud-agent"

Run the scan

sonar-scanner \ 
  -Dsonar.projectKey=$SONARQUBE_PROJECT_KEY \

or thanks to the following docker command :

docker run \
    --rm \
    -v "$(SONARQUBE_REPO):/usr/src" \


How to generate docker image thanks to the following command

To build:

docker build --file ./build/Dockerfile --no-cache --progress=plain -t cloud-testing-agent:latest -t cloud-testing-agent:{{VERSION}} . |& tee build_output.txt

How to run cloud-testing-agent docker image

Before starting the service, we will create a network for our container, so you can more easily choose which one to use and when.

docker network create cloud-coopengo

To run:

docker compose -f "./build/compose.yaml" -p "cloud-testing" up --force-recreate -d 

The service will be available at .


Nest is MIT licensed.

Dependencies (27)

Dev Dependencies (35)

Package Sidebar


npm i cloud-testing-agent

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  • dominiquebertrand