
3.0.3 • Public • Published

Codify Images

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Quick and easy tool for converting a set of images into inline JavaScript.


npm i -D codify-images


There are 2 uses of this package either as a library or a command line interface (CLI).


An example of typical usage as a library can be found below.

import { codifyImages, codifyImagesSync } from 'codify-images';

const options = {
  svgMode: 'base64',
  ignoreUnsupportedTypes: true,
  log: (name, path) => {...}
let images = await codifyImages('path/to/assets', options); // asynchronous

images = codifyImagesSync('path/to/assets', options); // synchronous

The images object returned will have a member for each file, of supported type, found at the location path/to/assets formatted as camel case. Assuming path/to/assets has 3 files in that location (test.gif, test.png and test.svg) the resulting images would look like the following.

const images = {
  testGif: 'data:image/gif;base64,...',
  testPng: 'data:image/png;base64,...',
  testSvg: 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,...'


  • svgMode: Allows you to supply the mode that will be used to generate SVG outputs. The current options are base64, uri, mini, mini-srcset. The default for this setting is base64 and is the recommended setting as it has the highest compatibility with different use cases. For more info related to the mini and mini-srcset modes please consult the Mini SVG Data package documentation.
  • ignoreUnsupportedTypes: This will allow files of unsupported types to be simply skipped instead of throwing an UnsupportedTypeError error. The default for this setting is true.
  • log: This allows you to add a custom logger that will be called after each file is processed. The callback provides the arguments name and path.


Below is the output of codify-images --help.

Usage: codify-images [options] <input path>

  input path                  path to where image files reside

  -V, --version               output the version number
  -d, --double-quotes         Use double quotes for output instead of single quotes (default: false)
  -o, --output <path>         path to write generated files (default: "generated")
  -e, --es <version>          version of ESM to generate (default: 6)
  -c, --indent-count <count>  number of indent elements to output (default: 1)
  -B, --no-banner             do not include banner comment at top of generated file
  -t, --indent-type <type>    type of indent to output (choices: "tab", "space", default: "tab")
  -s, --svg-mode <mode>       output mode to use for SVG images
                              (choices: "base64", "uri", "mini", "mini-srcset", default: "base64")
  -h, --help                  display help for command


Development can be done on any machine that can install Node.js. Only the latest LTS version is tested against.

Install Dependencies

Install dependencies via npm.

npm i


Execute linters via npm.

# git, javascript, markdown and package.json
npm run lint

# git only
npm run lint:git

# javascript only
npm run lint:js

# markdown only
npm run lint:md

# package.json only
npm run lint:pkg


Execute tests via npm.

# lint and unit tests
npm test

# unit tests only
npm run test:unit


Execute fixers via npm.

# javascript, markdown and package.json
npm run fix

# javascript only
npm run fix:js

# markdown only
npm run fix:md

# package.json only
npm run fix:pkg


Run a build via npm.

npm run build

Dependencies (5)

Dev Dependencies (20)

Package Sidebar


npm i codify-images

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  • devpow112