
1.3.0 • Public • Published


Walk Coffeescript's AST nodes

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Install with npm

npm install coffee-ast-walk --save


Create a ast walker

astwalk = require 'coffee-ast-walk'
root = coffee.nodes source
walk = astwalk(root)

Dump Every Node

walk.walk (x) -> 
  console.log x  

AST Node Count

walk.reduce 0(x, acc) -> 
    if @isAstNode then acc + 1 else acc

Find the First Class

walk.findFirstByType 'Class'

Get Parent of Type

klass = walk.findFirstByType 'Class'
# fire up another walker 
astwalk(klass).findParent ( x ) -> x.__type is 'Assign'

AST Node Meta Information

astwalk adds a property meta to Base which is the base class for Coffeescript AST node classes. meta provides meta-information about the node and in many cases, it rolls up information from child nodes which can ease navigation and maipulation of the AST. See API for more details on the meta object.


Create Walker

astwalk(node[, init])

Returns a walker. astwalk . Setting init will perform an initial walk over the AST tree and append a meta object as well as two properties to each AST node:

  • __id A unique id (monotonically increasing count).
  • __type The type of AST node (


walk([context, ] visitor)

walkToDepth([context, ] [depth, ] visitor)

Walk's the AST tree and invokes the visitor for each node. Context is an optional {Object} which is available to the visitor callback. Providing depth will limit the walk up to depth nodes from the current node (i.e. relative to the current node).

About the Visitor: visitor(node)

The current node is passed ot the visitor. Additionaly, the following properties are available in the this context of the visitor callback:

  • @path The path to the current node as an array of strings.
  • @depth The depth of the current node.
  • @isRoot True if the node is the root node.
  • @isLeaf True of the node is a leaf node.
  • @id The id used to invoke the current node, also the last element of the path array.
  • @isAstNode True if the node is a coffeescript AST node, or a scalar (string etc).
  • @context An optional context, passed to walk.
  • @parent The node's parent (undefined for root node).

The visitor callback can invoke @abort() to terminate the walk early.

Return Value: If a visitor returns an {Object}, the values from visiting the current AST node's child nodes are added to the object with the same key names as the original node. This can be viewed as a mapping operation on the AST tree (see example at the end).

findAll([depth, ] f(node))

Returns all nodes (unto to optional depth) that satisfy the callback f.

findFirst([depth, ] f(node)

Returns the first node (limited by depth) that matches the callback f.

findByType(type[, depth])

Returns a list of nodes with the given {String} type, up to optional depth.

findFirstByType(type[, depth])

Returns the first node with the given {String} type, up to optional depth.

reduce([initial,] f)

Updates an internal accumulator to the value returned by f(node, acc) and returns the final value of acc. The accumulator is optionally set to initial.


Returns the closes ancestor that satisfies the supplied predicate pred.


Returns the closest ancestor with the given type.


Walks up the ancestor list and invokes the given callback f .

Meta Object

node.meta is a custom property is added to Coffeescript AST nodes. The following properties are available on all meta objects:

  • @node The original AST node.
  • @path The path to the current node as an array of strings.
  • @depth The depth of the current node.
  • @isRoot True if the node is the root node.
  • @isLeaf True of the node is a leaf node.
  • @id A unique id assigned to each id. Not the same as the id available during a walk. Same as node.__id.
  • @isAstNode True if the node is a coffeescript AST node, or a scalar (string etc).
  • @parent The node's parent (undefined for root node).

In addition, the following context-sensitive (i.e. node type) properties are available on node.meta:

  • name

    • for Class, the class name.
    • for Assign, the lhs of the assignment operator.
    • for Param, the parameter name
  • value

    • for Comment, the comment string
    • for Param, the param's value
    • for Assign, the rhs of the assignment
    • for Literal, the value of the literal
    • for Access, the qualified name (e.g. module.exports)
    • for Value, the value
  • logicalItem - for Assign nodes, returns the rhs of the assignment since it the logical basis for interpreting the Assign node sub-tree.

  • superClass the name of the class' super class, if any

  • classMembers, for classes, returns an object with static and instance members. Members which are methods also include parameter information.

  • methodParams returns an array or parameters for methods.

Example - AST Tree View

Map the AST tree to a human readable JSON object and use the treeify module to display it as a tree.

walk = astwalk(asttrue)
res = walk.walk ( x ) ->
  = {}
  for t in [ 'type''name''value' ]
    = x.meta?[ t ]
    o[ t = v if v and !_.isObjectLike v      
  console.log treeify.asTree restrue

Let's apply it to this coffeescript:

# Base class for all animals.
@example How to subclass an animal
#   class Lion extends Animal
#     move: (direction, speed): ->
module.exports = class Example.Animal
  # The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything
  @ANSWER = 42
  @create: ->
  # @property [Array<String>] the nicknames
  nicknames : []
  Construct a new animal.
  @param [String] name the name of the animal
  @param [Date] birthDate when the animal was born
  constructor : ( @type@name@birthDate = new Date() ) ->
     Move the animal.
     @example Move an animal
       new Lion('Simba').move('south', 12)
     @param [Object] options the moving options
     @option options [String] direction the moving direction
     @option options [Number] speed the speed in mph
  move : ( options = {} ) ->
class Tiger extends Example.Animal
  constructor : ( {@striped}, abc )->
    super 'Tiger'
module.exports = Tiger

And the tree view:

├─ type: Block
└─ expressions
   ├─ 0
   │  ├─ type: Comment
   │  └─ value: 
# Base class for all animals. 
# @example How to subclass an animal 
#   class Lion extends Animal 
#     move: (direction, speed): -> 
   ├─ 1
   │  ├─ type: Assign
   │  ├─ name: module.exports
   │  ├─ variable
   │  │  ├─ type: Value
   │  │  ├─ value: module.exports
   │  │  ├─ base
   │  │  │  ├─ type: Literal
   │  │  │  └─ value: module
   │  │  └─ properties
   │  │     └─ 0
   │  │        ├─ type: Access
   │  │        ├─ value: .exports
   │  │        └─ name
   │  │           ├─ type: Literal
   │  │           └─ value: exports
   │  └─ value
   │     ├─ type: Class
   │     ├─ name: Example.Animal
   │     ├─ variable
   │     │  ├─ type: Value
   │     │  ├─ value: Example.Animal
   │     │  ├─ base
   │     │  │  ├─ type: Literal
   │     │  │  └─ value: Example
   │     │  └─ properties
   │     │     └─ 0
   │     │        ├─ type: Access
   │     │        ├─ value: .Animal
   │     │        └─ name
   │     │           ├─ type: Literal
   │     │           └─ value: Animal
   │     └─ body
   │        ├─ type: Block
   │        └─ expressions
   │           ├─ 0
   │           │  ├─ type: Comment
   │           │  └─ value: 
# The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything 
   │           ├─ 1
   │           │  ├─ type: Assign
   │           │  ├─ name: this.ANSWER
   │           │  ├─ value
   │           │  │  ├─ type: Value
   │           │  │  ├─ value: 42
   │           │  │  └─ base
   │           │  │     ├─ type: Literal
   │           │  │     └─ value: 42
   │           │  └─ variable
   │           │     ├─ type: Value
   │           │     ├─ value: this.ANSWER
   │           │     ├─ base
   │           │     │  ├─ type: Literal
   │           │     │  └─ value: this
   │           │     └─ properties
   │           │        └─ 0
   │           │           ├─ type: Access
   │           │           ├─ value: .ANSWER
   │           │           └─ name
   │           │              ├─ type: Literal
   │           │              └─ value: ANSWER
   │           └─ 2
   │              ├─ type: Value
   │              └─ base
   │                 ├─ type: Obj
   │                 └─ properties
   │                    ├─ 0
   │                    │  ├─ type: Assign
   │                    │  ├─ name: this.create
   │                    │  ├─ variable
   │                    │  │  ├─ type: Value
   │                    │  │  ├─ value: this.create
   │                    │  │  ├─ base
   │                    │  │  │  ├─ type: Literal
   │                    │  │  │  └─ value: this
   │                    │  │  └─ properties
   │                    │  │     └─ 0
   │                    │  │        ├─ type: Access
   │                    │  │        ├─ value: .create
   │                    │  │        └─ name
   │                    │  │           ├─ type: Literal
   │                    │  │           └─ value: create
   │                    │  ├─ value
   │                    │  │  ├─ type: Code
   │                    │  │  └─ body
   │                    │  │     └─ type: Block
   │                    │  └─ operatorToken
   │                    │     ├─ type: Literal
   │                    │     └─ value: :
   │                    ├─ 1
   │                    │  ├─ type: Comment
   │                    │  └─ value: 
# @property [Array<String>] the nicknames 
   │                    ├─ 2
   │                    │  ├─ type: Assign
   │                    │  ├─ name: nicknames
   │                    │  ├─ variable
   │                    │  │  ├─ type: Value
   │                    │  │  ├─ value: nicknames
   │                    │  │  └─ base
   │                    │  │     ├─ type: Literal
   │                    │  │     └─ value: nicknames
   │                    │  ├─ value
   │                    │  │  ├─ type: Value
   │                    │  │  └─ base
   │                    │  │     └─ type: Arr
   │                    │  └─ operatorToken
   │                    │     ├─ type: Literal
   │                    │     └─ value: :
   │                    ├─ 3
   │                    │  ├─ type: Comment
   │                    │  └─ value: 
Construct a new animal.
@param [String] name the name of the animal
@param [Date] birthDate when the animal was born
   │                    ├─ 4
   │                    │  ├─ type: Assign
   │                    │  ├─ name: constructor
   │                    │  ├─ variable
   │                    │  │  ├─ type: Value
   │                    │  │  ├─ value: constructor
   │                    │  │  └─ base
   │                    │  │     ├─ type: Literal
   │                    │  │     └─ value: constructor
   │                    │  ├─ value
   │                    │  │  ├─ type: Code
   │                    │  │  ├─ params
   │                    │  │  │  ├─ 0
   │                    │  │  │  │  ├─ type: Param
   │                    │  │  │  │  └─ name
   │                    │  │  │  │     ├─ type: Value
   │                    │  │  │  │     ├─ value: this.type
   │                    │  │  │  │     ├─ base
   │                    │  │  │  │     │  ├─ type: Literal
   │                    │  │  │  │     │  └─ value: this
   │                    │  │  │  │     └─ properties
   │                    │  │  │  │        └─ 0
   │                    │  │  │  │           ├─ type: Access
   │                    │  │  │  │           ├─ value: .type
   │                    │  │  │  │           └─ name
   │                    │  │  │  │              ├─ type: Literal
   │                    │  │  │  │              └─ value: type
   │                    │  │  │  ├─ 1
   │                    │  │  │  │  ├─ type: Param
   │                    │  │  │  │  └─ name
   │                    │  │  │  │     ├─ type: Value
   │                    │  │  │  │     ├─ value:
   │                    │  │  │  │     ├─ base
   │                    │  │  │  │     │  ├─ type: Literal
   │                    │  │  │  │     │  └─ value: this
   │                    │  │  │  │     └─ properties
   │                    │  │  │  │        └─ 0
   │                    │  │  │  │           ├─ type: Access
   │                    │  │  │  │           ├─ value: .name
   │                    │  │  │  │           └─ name
   │                    │  │  │  │              ├─ type: Literal
   │                    │  │  │  │              └─ value: name
   │                    │  │  │  └─ 2
   │                    │  │  │     ├─ type: Param
   │                    │  │  │     ├─ name
   │                    │  │  │     │  ├─ type: Value
   │                    │  │  │     │  ├─ value: this.birthDate
   │                    │  │  │     │  ├─ base
   │                    │  │  │     │  │  ├─ type: Literal
   │                    │  │  │     │  │  └─ value: this
   │                    │  │  │     │  └─ properties
   │                    │  │  │     │     └─ 0
   │                    │  │  │     │        ├─ type: Access
   │                    │  │  │     │        ├─ value: .birthDate
   │                    │  │  │     │        └─ name
   │                    │  │  │     │           ├─ type: Literal
   │                    │  │  │     │           └─ value: birthDate
   │                    │  │  │     └─ value
   │                    │  │  │        ├─ type: Call
   │                    │  │  │        └─ variable
   │                    │  │  │           ├─ type: Value
   │                    │  │  │           ├─ value: Date
   │                    │  │  │           └─ base
   │                    │  │  │              ├─ type: Literal
   │                    │  │  │              └─ value: Date
   │                    │  │  └─ body
   │                    │  │     ├─ type: Block
   │                    │  │     └─ expressions
   │                    │  │        └─ 0
   │                    │  │           ├─ type: Comment
   │                    │  │           └─ value: 
 Move the animal.
 @example Move an animal
   new Lion('Simba').move('south', 12)
 @param [Object] options the moving options
 @option options [String] direction the moving direction
 @option options [Number] speed the speed in mph
   │                    │  └─ operatorToken
   │                    │     ├─ type: Literal
   │                    │     └─ value: :
   │                    └─ 5
   │                       ├─ type: Assign
   │                       ├─ name: move
   │                       ├─ variable
   │                       │  ├─ type: Value
   │                       │  ├─ value: move
   │                       │  └─ base
   │                       │     ├─ type: Literal
   │                       │     └─ value: move
   │                       ├─ value
   │                       │  ├─ type: Code
   │                       │  ├─ params
   │                       │  │  └─ 0
   │                       │  │     ├─ type: Param
   │                       │  │     ├─ name
   │                       │  │     │  ├─ type: Literal
   │                       │  │     │  └─ value: options
   │                       │  │     └─ value
   │                       │  │        ├─ type: Value
   │                       │  │        └─ base
   │                       │  │           └─ type: Obj
   │                       │  └─ body
   │                       │     └─ type: Block
   │                       └─ operatorToken
   │                          ├─ type: Literal
   │                          └─ value: :
   ├─ 2
   │  ├─ type: Class
   │  ├─ name: Tiger
   │  ├─ variable
   │  │  ├─ type: Value
   │  │  ├─ value: Tiger
   │  │  └─ base
   │  │     ├─ type: Literal
   │  │     └─ value: Tiger
   │  ├─ parent
   │  │  ├─ type: Value
   │  │  ├─ value: Example.Animal
   │  │  ├─ base
   │  │  │  ├─ type: Literal
   │  │  │  └─ value: Example
   │  │  └─ properties
   │  │     └─ 0
   │  │        ├─ type: Access
   │  │        ├─ value: .Animal
   │  │        └─ name
   │  │           ├─ type: Literal
   │  │           └─ value: Animal
   │  └─ body
   │     ├─ type: Block
   │     └─ expressions
   │        └─ 0
   │           ├─ type: Value
   │           └─ base
   │              ├─ type: Obj
   │              └─ properties
   │                 └─ 0
   │                    ├─ type: Assign
   │                    ├─ name: constructor
   │                    ├─ variable
   │                    │  ├─ type: Value
   │                    │  ├─ value: constructor
   │                    │  └─ base
   │                    │     ├─ type: Literal
   │                    │     └─ value: constructor
   │                    ├─ value
   │                    │  ├─ type: Code
   │                    │  ├─ params
   │                    │  │  ├─ 0
   │                    │  │  │  ├─ type: Param
   │                    │  │  │  └─ name
   │                    │  │  │     ├─ type: Obj
   │                    │  │  │     └─ properties
   │                    │  │  │        └─ 0
   │                    │  │  │           ├─ type: Value
   │                    │  │  │           ├─ value: this.striped
   │                    │  │  │           ├─ base
   │                    │  │  │           │  ├─ type: Literal
   │                    │  │  │           │  └─ value: this
   │                    │  │  │           └─ properties
   │                    │  │  │              └─ 0
   │                    │  │  │                 ├─ type: Access
   │                    │  │  │                 ├─ value: .striped
   │                    │  │  │                 └─ name
   │                    │  │  │                    ├─ type: Literal
   │                    │  │  │                    └─ value: striped
   │                    │  │  └─ 1
   │                    │  │     ├─ type: Param
   │                    │  │     └─ name
   │                    │  │        ├─ type: Literal
   │                    │  │        └─ value: abc
   │                    │  └─ body
   │                    │     ├─ type: Block
   │                    │     └─ expressions
   │                    │        └─ 0
   │                    │           ├─ type: Call
   │                    │           └─ args
   │                    │              └─ 0
   │                    │                 ├─ type: Value
   │                    │                 ├─ value: 'Tiger'
   │                    │                 └─ base
   │                    │                    ├─ type: Literal
   │                    │                    └─ value: 'Tiger'
   │                    └─ operatorToken
   │                       ├─ type: Literal
   │                       └─ value: :
   └─ 3
      ├─ type: Assign
      ├─ name: module.exports
      ├─ value
      │  ├─ type: Value
      │  ├─ value: Tiger
      │  └─ base
      │     ├─ type: Literal
      │     └─ value: Tiger
      └─ variable
         ├─ type: Value
         ├─ value: module.exports
         ├─ base
         │  ├─ type: Literal
         │  └─ value: module
         └─ properties
            └─ 0
               ├─ type: Access
               ├─ value: .exports
               └─ name
                  ├─ type: Literal
                  └─ value: exports

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  • venkatperi