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0.10.1 • Public • Published


Spring Physics Utilities

Installation & Setup

coily is available on npm and can be installed with your favorite package manager:

$ yarn add coily
# or
$ npm i coily

Then import the creator from the package in your code:

import { createSpring } from 'coily'

const spring = createSpring(0, { mass: 1, tension: 100, friction: 25 })


Creating a Spring

The createSpring function takes the following arguments:

  • initial: number The initial value of the spring, and its target. All springs start in a resting state, but you can set at any time

  • config: SpringConfig The configuration for the spring. SpringConfig takes the following parameters:

    • config.mass: number How massive the spring is. A lower number will allow the spring to speed up and slow down more quickly than a larger number. Larger numbers are more likely to overshoot the target

    • config.tension: number How much force the spring experiences toward its target. A higher value will move the spring more quickly, and allow the spring to potentially overshoot.

    • config.friction: number How much dampening the spring experiences against its tension. A higher friction will make sure the spring doesn't move too quickly, and slows down dramatically as it approaches the target

  • options: SpringOptions Additional options for the spring. SpringOptions takes the following parameters:

    • options.restingDistance: number The minimum difference between the target and value at which the spring will consider itself "at" the target

    • options.restingVelocity: number The minimum velocity at which the spring will consider itself "not moving"

    • options.arrivalBehavior: 'bounce' | 'clamp' | 'none' | number | ((velocity: number) => number) How the spring's velocity behaves when it arrives at its target value. velocity is expressed in unit/second. Defaults to none.

      • 'bounce': multiplies the velocity by -1, bouncing the value back in the direction from which it came
      • 'clamp': multiplies the velocity by 0, instantly stopping the spring at its value
      • 'none': multiplies the velocity by 1, allowing the spring to overshoot as necessary
      • number: multiplies the velocity by the given number
      • (velocity: number) => number: sets the velocity to the result of a function whose only argument is the previous velocity

Spring Config Tips

The configuration object above provides a good starting point when picking your config:

createSpring(0, { mass: 1, tension: 100, friction: 25 })

Don't be afraid to make mass a decimal, and don't be afraid of large tensions and frictions either. Picking the configuration is more of an art than a science.

Spring Options

The spring options object is helpful in reducing the amount of computation your springs perform. If the spring was allowed to wait until its velocity and difference (value - target) were at zero, it would imperceptibly update every frame for a very long time.

The restingDistance and restingVelocity options help combat this, by telling the spring at what point it should consider itself on target and resting. Once the velocity is less than restingVelocity and the difference between value and target is less than restingDistance, the spring sets its value to its target and enters the resting state.

Working With Springs

Reading Information

The spring exposes some readonly information such as its value, state and velocity:

 * The current value of the spring

 * In which state the spring is currently. Will be one of:
 * - "resting"
 * - "moving"
 * - "frozen"

 * How fast the spring is currently moving, and in which direction

Additionally, target and config can be updated whenever:

 * Get & Set the target of the spring
console.log( = 10

 * Get & Set the config of the spring
spring.config = { mass: 0.1, tension: 500, friction: 5 }


To simulate the spring and update its value, call the simulate method and pass in the number of milliseconds since the last update:

// Tickloop is a library that exposes a simple requestAnimationFrame based update loop
import { createTicker } from 'tickloop'
import { createSpring } from 'coily'

const spring = createSpring(0, { mass: 1, tension: 100, friction: 20 })

const ticker = createTicker()
ticker.add((_, delta) => {


To hold a spring in place (while maintaining its velocity), use the freeze() (and unfreeze()) methods. Calling freeze() will set the spring's state to 'frozen'

const spring = createSpring(0, { mass: 1, tension: 100, friction: 20 }) = 100

console.log(spring.value) // 0


console.log(spring.value) // 0

Creating a Spring System

Manually updating every spring with its simulate method would be tedious to say the least. Where possible, prefer using a SpringSystem to group springs together and provide a single call site for updating each spring:

import { createSpringSystem } from 'coily'

// First, create the system
const system = createSpringSystem()

// Then, create some springs
const spring1 = system.createSpring(0, { mass: 1, tension: 100, friction: 20 })
const spring2 = system.createSpring(0, { mass: 0.25, tension: 50, friction: 10 })

// Simulate all springs at once from the system

Should a spring become irrelevant for some reason, remember to call the cleanup method so that the system stops updating it:

import { createSpringSystem } from 'coily'

const system = createSpringSystem()

const spring = system.createSpring(0, { mass: 1, tension: 100, friction: 20 })

// Later


Spring Chains

Sometimes the target of one spring should be the value of another. This can be tedious to set up manually and involves juggling multiple updates per frame to get a good look at the current state.

Spring Chains help with this problem by building on the createSpring API. You'll still supply an initial target, a SpringConfig, and an optional SpringOptions. You'll also pass an array of chain "links" that describe additional values in the chain.

The links take one of two forms:

  • A fixed, additive offset from the previous value, e.g. 50 will make Spring 2 target Spring 1's current value plus 50.
  • A function with the following signature:
    const link = (
      previousSpringValue: number,
      previousSpringTarget: number,
      currentSpringValue?: number,
      currentSpringTarget?: number
    ): number => /* ... */
    The currentSpringTarget and currentSpringValue will be undefined the first time the function is called, as the targets are initialized for all springs.


const chain = createSpringChain(
  0, // initial
  [50, 50, (value) => value * 1.25],
  { mass: 10, tension: 3000, friction: 300 } // config

Reading State

Spring Chains have almost the same interface as Springs do.

Instead of a single value, they have an array of numbers as their value. The same goes for targets, states, and velocities. Each of these arrays are updated in place, which means it is safe to grab a reference to the value and read from it later.

Additionally, Spring Chains have a singular state property which indicates if any of its links are in a 'moving' state or not.

There is also a singular target property which returns the first target in the chain. Setting this will update the springs as well.

chain.values // readonly number[]
chain.velocities // readonly number[]
chain.targets // readonly number[]
chain.states // readonly number[] = 10 // get and set the first target
chain.state // if any children are 'moving', this will be moving. if the chain is frozen, it will be 'frozen'. otherwise, it is 'resting'.




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  • timthewebguy