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Browserify transform for non CommonJS libraries/scripts.

Table of Contents generated with DocToc


With npm do:

$ npm install commonjsify --save-dev


commonjsify accepts a configuration object and returns the transform function to be applied with browserify.

var commonjsify = require('commonjsify');
var options = {};
var transform = commonjsify(options);

options is an object that you have to fill with some information about the non CommonJS modules that you want to convert to CommonJS. The format for this object is:

  • key - must be the same as the filename that you are requiring with browserify.require(filename, opts) without extension (it is a convention)
  • value - defines how you want to export the module (depends on the library that you are trying to transform to CommonJS)

Example: If you want to transform angular to CommonJS you can configure it like this:

var browserify = require('browserify');
var commonjsify = require('commonjsify');
// key: angular --> because we require ./vendor/angular.js
// value: angular --> because angular is the global variable that the library creates
// and we must export
var options = {
  angular: 'angular'
.require(require.resolve('./vendor/angular.js'), {entry: true, expose: 'angular'})
.pipe(fs.createWriteStream(__dirname + '/bundle.js'))


Basic example

'use strict';
var browserify = require('browserify');
var fs = require('fs');
.require(require.resolve('./vendor/lib.js'), {entry: true, expose: 'myLib'})
  'lib': 'lib'
.pipe(fs.createWriteStream(__dirname + '/bundle.js'))

Then in your page you can do:

<script src="bundle.js"></script>
  var myLib = require('myLib');
  /* ... */

Advanced and more practical example

The following example shows how you can use commonjsify to transform angular and angular-ui-router which are non CommonJS modules. This scenario is particularly useful when you want to get rid of bower dependencies and just use npm (see Front-end Tooling Workflows by Addy Osmani) as the only source of true for your packages.

The code below shows a gulp task to create multiple bundles, one for vendor and another for the application itself.

'use strict';
var gulp = require('gulp');
var browserify = require('browserify');
var commonjsify = require('commonjsify');
var stringify = require('stringify');
var source = require('vinyl-source-stream');
var production = (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production');
gulp.task('bundle', ['bundle-vendor', 'bundle-app']);
gulp.task('bundle-vendor', 'Bundle JavaScript vendor', function() {
    noParse: true,
    debug: !production
  .require(require.resolve('angular'), {entry: true, expose: 'angular'})
  .require(require.resolve('angular-ui-router'), {expose: 'ui.router'})
    'angular': 'angular',
    'angular-ui-router': 'angular.module(\'ui.router\')'
gulp.task('bundle-app', 'Bundle JavaScript modules', function() {
    entries: './src/app.js',
    debug: !production
    extensions: ['.html'],
    minify: true

Then in your page you can do:

<script src="vendor.js"></script>
<script src="app.js"></script>
  var angular = require('angular');
  var uiRouter = require('ui.router');
  var appVersion = angular.injector(['app']).get('version');
  /* ... */


If you would like to contribute code, please do the following:

  1. Fork this repository and make your changes.
  2. Write tests for any new functionality. If you are fixing a bug that tests did not cover, please make a test that reproduces the bug.
  3. Add your name to the "contributors" section in the package.json file.
  4. Squash all of your commits into a single commit via git rebase -i.
  5. Run the tests by running npm install && npm test from the source directory.
  6. Assuming those pass, send the Pull Request off to me for review!

Please do not iterate the package.json version number – I will do that myself when I publish it to NPM.


Please follow google style-guide for all code contributions.




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