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0.1.19 • Public • Published

Composable forms

Highly-flexible forms library built on top of Effector!

Why "composable"?

The problem with most form-managers is that they are based on monolithic schemas.

But this leads to a lot of problems:

  • Sometimes you have just a single field, and you don't want to create "a whole form" for that
  • Sometimes you have a custom form with a variable structure which depends on specific conditions. Some of monolithic form managers don't support that at all, and others provide you with a frustrating configurations.
  • You have various fields - inputs, selects or even custom ones, but API would be the same for all of them, and you'll have to create your wrappers for that.

This library allows you to create simple fields, then combine them together, and also easily create dynamic forms depending on your conditions.


npm i composable-forms

... and don't forget peer dependencies:

npm i effector joi

P.S. We use joi for validation schemas. Learn more about it here


Create fields

import Joi from "joi";
import { createField } from "composable-forms";

const login = createField({
  initialValue: "",
  schema: Joi.string().required(),

const password = createField({
  initialValue: "",
  schema: Joi.string().required().min(3),

Fields provide a pack of useful stores:

login.$value; // Current field value
login.$errors; // Errors array
login.$isDirty; // `true` if value changed, `false` otherwise
login.$isValid; // `true` if no errors, `false` otherwise
login.$hasErrors; // Like `$isValid` but reversed
login.$dirtyErrors; // Like `$errors` but returns empty array if `$isDirty` is `true`
login.$isDirtyAndValid; // Like `$isValid` but returns `true` if `$isDirty` is `true`
login.$hasDirtyErrors; // Like `$isValid` but returns `false` if `$isDirty` is `true`

NOTE: All the stuff except $value and $errors will be called "meta"

Combine fields together

import { composeFields } from "composable-forms";

const loginForm = composeFields({
  fields: { login, password },

composeFields provide the same stores that createField - they combine all the values and errors from passed fields into one shape:

loginForm.fields; // { login: Field<string>, password: Field<string> }
loginForm.$value; // Store<{ login: '', password: '' }>
loginForm.$errors; // Store<ValidationErrorItem[]>
// + meta

Forms also have the optional schema option, in case you need to add form-specific rules:

import { composeFields } from "composable-forms";

const signupForm = composeFields({
  fields: { login, password, repeatPassword },
  schema: joi.object({
    repeatPassword: joi.any().valid(Joi.ref("password")),

If you want to access only form-specific errors, signupForm.$ownErrors does that

Conditional fields

import Joi from "joi";
import { isValue, createField, composeFields, conditionalField } from "composable-forms";

const type = createField({
  initialValue: "message",
  schema: Joi.string().valid("message", "menu", "tag"),

const messageOptions = composeFields(/* ... */);
const menuOptions = composeFields(/* ... */);
const tagOptions = composeFields(/* ... */);

const options = conditionalField({
  cases: [
    [isValue(type, "message"), messageOptions],
    [isValue(type, "menu"), menuOptions],
    [isValue(type, "tag"), tagOptions],

conditionalField returns the same stuff that createField/composeFields do, but with the value and errors of the first matched case.

Conditional fields support all fields, forms and other conditional fields.

Custom fields

Library also provides built-in custom fields with ready-to-use API. You can import them from composable-forms/custom


Like createField but with a changed/inputChanged events!

import Joi from "joi";
import { createInput } from "composable-forms/custom";

const name = createInput({
  initialValue: "",
  schema: Joi.string().required(),

// Provides the same stuff that `createField` does
// + two additional events to attach to your fields:
name.changed; // Event<string | number>
name.inputChanged; // Event<InputEvent>



This method accepts an object with fields and extracts their $value stores.
In combination with patronum/spread you can fill multiple fields with no boilerplate:

import Joi from "joi";
import { spread } from "patronum";
import { createField, extractValues } from "composable-forms";

const userLoaded = createEvent<{ login: string; password: string }>();

const name = createField({ initialValue: "", schema: Joi.string() });
const surname = createField({ initialValue: "", schema: Joi.string() });

  source: userLoaded,
  targets: extractValues({ name, surname }),


Creates a store which accepts a field and returns true/false whether it has a specific value or not.

import Joi from "joi";
import { isValue, createField } from "composable-forms";

const type = createField({
  initialValue: "message",
  schema: Joi.string().valid("message", "menu", "tag"),

const isMessage = isValue(type, "message");
// `true` if type.$value is 'message'
// `false` otherwise

Useful in combo with conditionalField:

import { conditionalField } from "composable-forms";

const options = conditionalField({
  cases: [
    [isValue(type, "message"), messageOptions],
    [isValue(type, "menu"), menuOptions],
    [isValue(type, "tag"), tagOptions],


If you want to create custom field, you might want to have all the meta as well:

import { createEvent, createStore } from "effector";
import { validate, createErrorsMeta } from "composable-fields";

const createCounter = () => {
  const plus = createEvent();
  const minus = createEvent();
  const $value = createStore(0);
  const $errors = createStore([]);

  // Creates $isDirty and all the meta
  const meta = createErrorsMeta({
    value: $value,
    errors: $errors,

  // You have to manually validate and set dirty state
  $errors.on($value, (_prev, value) => {
    return validate(value, params.schema);

  meta.$isDirty.on([plus, minus], () => true);

  return { $value, $errors, plus, minus, ...meta };

const counter = createCounter();




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