
0.1.0 • Public • Published


Cordova plugin for reading and writing to NFC tags using NfcV protocol (with support for Ionic2+)


Requirements: Make sure you have a working environment for Ionic2+ project or for Cordova project before installing the plugin.


ionic plugin add

Cordova (without Ionic2+)

cordova plugin add


Plugin configuration is done by changing values in NfcVHandler class (src/android/

Some NFC tags might not support NDEF:

  • READ_NDEF: Prevent reading NDEF if tag does not support it.
  • NDEF_BLOCK_ADDR: Address of the first block that contains NDEF message encoded with TLV (T = type; L = length; V = value). See attached datasheet 02 (chapters: 3.2 and 4.1) for more info.

The following values should be the same for any tag. If not, you should change to the appropriate values:

  • CMD_READ: Code for read command (default: 0x20).
  • CMD_WRITE: Code for write command (default: 0x21).
  • CMD_FLAGS: Each request specifies some flags (default: 0x02 - High data rate). See attached datasheet 01 (chapter: 19.1) for more info.


NfcV.init: function (success, error));

Initializes plugin. In most cases not even required, since every request also initializes the adapter.

  • success - Function returns "NFC_INIT_OK"
  • error - Check error flags below

NfcV.checkNfcVAvailability: function (success, error));

Check if Nfc hardware is available.

  • success - Function returns "NFC_CHECK_OK"
  • error - Check error flags below

NfcV.addNdefListener: function (success, error));

Get notified when ever new device is discovered. Ndef message is sent in event data.

  • success - If listener added it returns "NDEF_LISTENER_ADDED"
  • error - Check error flags below

You need to add document.addEventListener to be notified when a new device is discovered.

document.addEventListener('NdefTag', (event) => {
    console.log('Ndef', JSON.parse(event.ndef));
}, true);


NfcV.startListening: function (success, error));

Starts listening for new "ACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED" intent.

  • success - When intent recieved it returns "NFC_INTENT_ACTIVE"
  • error - Check error flags below

NfcV.stopListening: function (success, error));

It disables foreground dispatch. Intents are no longer received.

  • success - It returns "NFC_STOP"
  • error - Check error flags below

NfcV.transceive: function (request, success, error));

It is used to dispatch any kind of request against a NFC tag. Request object has to include a full request: flags, block_addr and any data.

  • success - It returns response from the request. If it is a read request it returns the read data. If it is a write request it returns write response.
  • error - Check error flags below

NfcV.readBlock: function (blockAddr, success, error));

Reads one block from blockAddr.

  • success - It returns bytes read from block at blockAddr along with response flags
  • error - Check error flags below

NfcV.writeBlock: function (blockAddr, blockData, success, error));

Writes blockData into one block at blockAddr.

  • success - It returns bytes from write response (error flag and any error code)
  • error - Check error flags below


  • E_NO_NFC - NFC is not supported
  • E_NFC_DISABLED - NFC is not enabled
  • E_NULL_TAG - Tag returned NULL
  • E_ADDR_TOO_LONG - Block addr is too long (more than 2 bytes)


  • Datasheet 01: Specs for M24LR04E-R (01__Specs__M24LR04E-R)
    • chapters: 19, 20, 26
  • Datasheet 02: Using M24LR04E-R (02__Using__M24LR04E-R)
    • chapters: 3, 4


Add the following intent filters inside activity:

    <action android:name="android.nfc.action.NDEF_DISCOVERED" />
    <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
    <data android:mimeType="text/plain" />
    <action android:name="android.nfc.action.TECH_DISCOVERED" />
<meta-data android:name="android.nfc.action.TECH_DISCOVERED" android:resource="@xml/nfc_tech_filter" />


Create new file within platforms/android/res/xml/nfc_tech_filter.xml:

<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">

Ionic2+ service: NfcvService

More about Ionic2+ support ...


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