
0.0.2 • Public • Published

Cordova Device apps plugin

Plugin to get the list of installed applications on Android.


run: cordova plugins add cordova-plugin-device-apps


The API is available as a global DeviceApps object

Get list of installed applications

DeviceApps.getInstalledApplications(function successCallback, [function errorCallback], [options]);


  • successCallback: A function that takes a single argument. The argument will be an array of objects. See example later for what this looks like
  • errorCallback (not required): A function that takes a single argument. The argument will be an error message.
  • options (not required): An object. The object can have three properties. By default the options are false.
    • systemApps: If true, system apps will be included
    • includeAppIcons: If true, a base64-encoded app icon will be included for each app
    • onlyAppsWithLaunchIntent: If true, only apps that can be launched will be included

Get information about a single app

DeviceApps.getApp(function successCallback, [function errorCallback], options);


  • successCallback: A function that takes a single argument. The argument will be a single object. See example later for what this looks like
  • errorCallback (not required): A function that takes a single argument. The argument will be an error message.
  • options: An object. The appName field is required. The other is not.
    • appName: If true, system apps will be included
    • includeAppIcon: If true, a base64-encoded app icon will be included for the app

Check if app is installed

DeviceApps.isInstalled(function successCallback, [function errorCallback], name);


  • successCallback: A function that takes a single argument. The argument will be true if the app is installed or false otherwise.
  • errorCallback (not required): A function that takes a single argument. The argument will be an error message.
  • name: The packageName of the app to check

Open an app

DeviceApps.openApp(function successCallback, [function errorCallback], name);


  • successCallback: A function that takes a single argument. The argument will be true if the app is opened or false otherwise.
  • errorCallback (not required): A function that takes a single argument. The argument will be an error message.
  • name: The packageName of the app to open

Application object format

The format of the application object returned in getInstalledApplications and getApp is as follows. The appIcon will only be present if requested in the call.

  "appName": "Friendly name (package label)",
  "packageName": "Package name (like",
  "versionCode": 1010,
  "versionName": "Version name (like 1.0.1)",
  "dataDir": "Application's data directory",
  "systemApp": true,
  "appIcon": "base64-encoded image"


The bulk of this plugin is copied from this Flutter plugin by @g123k.


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npm i cordova-plugin-device-apps

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  • thebosz