Cordova SMTP Client
Basic SMTP client cordova plugin for editing and sending email messages.
Install iOS and/or Android platform
cordova platform add ios
cordova platform add android
Install the plugin using any plugman compatible cli
$ cordova plugin add
On your javascript call use a code similar to this.
var mailSettings = {
emailFrom: "",
emailTo: "",
smtp: "",
smtpUserName: "",
smtpPassword: "password",
attachments: ["attchament1","attchament2"],
subject: "email subject",
textBody: "write something within the body of the email"
var success = function(message) {
var failure = function(message) {
alert("Error sending the email");
smtpClient.sendMail(mailSettings, success, failure);
The attachments is an array of strings where when using IOS the files needs to be in DATA_URI format and when Android should be the path of the file.
The return object "message" has the following structure
success: bool,
errorCode: int,
errorMessage: string
The library was originally written by albernazf ( and later modified by Nelson Medina Humberto (
On iOS it makes use of the skpsmtpmessage library, which was originally written by Ian Baird. A recent fork can be found here: