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AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK)

Developer Guide | CDK Workshop | Getting Started | API Reference | Examples |

The AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) is an open-source software development framework to define cloud infrastructure in code and provision it through AWS CloudFormation. It offers a high-level object-oriented abstraction to define AWS resources imperatively using the power of modern programming languages.

Developers use the CDK framework to define reusable cloud components called constructs, which are composed together into stacks, forming a "CDK app".



This construct library allows to use prepared services created by AWS CDK



$ npm install @jnj/vdxp-be-lib-cdk-core --save-dev



This library contains several levels of abstraction:

  • construct - Low level of abstraction. Provides classes to create one resource. The same level of abstraction that aws-cdk provides.
  • kit - Mid level of abstraction. Provides classes to create fully configured AWS service e.g. Lambda Function with log groups, policies, etc. Uses constructs as building blocks.
  • suit - High level of abstraction. Provides classes to create integrated AWS services e.g. API Gateway with Lambda Function handler with all necessary integrations and policies. Uses kits as building blocks.
  • constant - Contains constants for resources.
  • util - Contains util functions.



Get environment variables to configure stack

import { VdxpEnvProps } from '@jnj/vdxp-be-lib-cdk-core';

const envProps = new VdxpEnvProps();

console.log('Git commit SHA:', envProps.gitCommitSha);

Get cdk.json context variables to configure stack

import { VdxpCdkPropsBase } from '@jnj/vdxp-be-lib-cdk-core';

const contextProps = new VdxpCdkPropsBase();

console.log('Service name:', contextProps.serviceName);

Extend VdxpCdkPropsBase to add specific properties

import { Construct } from 'constructs';
import { VdxpCdkPropsBase, VdxpEnvironment } from '@jnj/vdxp-be-lib-cdk-core';

class MyProps extends VdxpCdkPropsBase {
  myProperty: string;

  constructor(scope: Construct, environment: VdxpEnvironment, region: string) {
    super(scope, environment, region);
    this.myProperty = this._props.from.cdk.json.myProperty;

const contextProps = new MyProps(scope, VdxpEnvironment, 'us-east-1');

console.log('My property:', contextProps.myProperty);

Create API Gateway with Lambda Function

import { VdxpApiGatewayLambda, VdxpEnvProps, VdxpCdkPropsApigwLambda, getEnvironment } from '@jnj/vdxp-be-lib-cdk-core';

const envProps = new VdxpEnvProps();
const environment = getEnvironment(envProps.envName);
const contextProps = new VdxpCdkPropsApigwLambda(this, environment, envProps.region);

// Create ApiGateway with Lambda
new VdxpApiGatewayLambda(this, 'ApiGwLambda', {
  env: envProps,
  context: contextProps,
  stageVars: {
    // APIGateway stage variables example
    TEST_KEY: `${contextProps.serviceName}-${contextProps.serviceVersion}-${envProps.envName}-${envProps.gitCommitSha}`,


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  • vlad.cherniavsky