defines a piece of counselling to apply to a project. how punny.
this package is the base class counsel rule.
how do i make my own rule?
- rules do not need to extend
, exported bycounsel-rule
. - a rule is any old POJO with an
method!- the apply method should do something interesting to your project. apply receives the
instance, which provides some very useful utilities to expose the target project. see the example below for more.
- the apply method should do something interesting to your project. apply receives the
create a rule
here's a fully flushed example:
'use strict'
const Rule = require('counsel-rule')
module.exports = new Rule({
// dependencies: ['async'], // <== installs any package (at the end of the rule apply chain)
// devDependencies: ['tape', 'pify'], // <== installs any package (at the end of the rule apply chain)
apply: function(counsel) {
// do something interesting
// some helpful refs (more at
// counsel.targetProjectPackageJson
// ^modify the target package.json as you see fit! we will detect changes and write it
// counsel.config
// ^ get declarations made towards counsel in the target package's package.json
// counsel.project.xzy
// ^ a handful of things
check: function(counsel) {
// add assertions that your rule is applied adequately. optional, but encouraged
- apply it (per
how to override a rule?
dependency overrides
// package.json
"counsel": { // or your dev-tool's config key
"overrides": {
"your-rule-name": { // make sure to add a rule name to your rules!
"dependencies": { // add or remove deps from a rule's defaults
"add": ["x", "y", "z"], // or "plus"
"substract": "e" // or "minus". accepts string|string[]
"devDependencies": ["m", "n"] // squashes default devDependencies
"skip-this-rule": null // `null` skips rules altogether