Country info list
Data is sourced from: Data is refreshed each night. If there are differences, a new package will be built.
Build at compile time, not at run time
Install via NPM
npm install country-info-list --save
Include in your project
const countryList = require('country-info-list');
// or
import * as countryList from 'country-info-list';
Returns all countries with all their data.
Returns a country with that code. code
can be a 2 or 3 character code.
Returns a list of the country names only.
Returns a list of the country codes only. codeType
is a optional parameter. Valid values: [2, 3]. The number indicates how many characters the country code will have. Defaults to 2.
getCode(name, ?codeType)
Returns a country code for a given country name. codeType
is a optional parameter. Valid values: [2, 3]. The number indicates how many characters the country code will have. Defaults to 2.