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1.0.7 • Public • Published

Coveo Toggle Button

coveo-toggle-button is a customizable button component for use with Coveo Atomic that allows users to expand or collapse content sections via toggling a class named open. This component provides a simple and accessible way to toggle the visibility of any target element within a specified container, with support for custom styling and various icon formats.


You can install the component via npm:

npm install coveo-toggle-button


To use the coveo-toggle-button component in your project, import it and include it in your HTML. Make sure to specify the appropriate attributes for customizing its behavior and appearance.

<div class="my-container">
    label="Toggle details"
  <div class="details"></div>


Property Attribute Description Type Default
buttonClass button-class A custom class to be applied to the button element. This allows users to add their own CSS styles to customize the button's appearance. Example: "my-custom-toggle-button" string ''
containerSelector (required) container-selector A CSS selector string for the container element that holds the target to be toggled. - If prefixed with #, it will be treated as an ID selector. - If prefixed with ., it will be treated as a class selector. - If no prefix is provided, it will first try to match an element by ID, and if none is found, it will attempt to match a class name. Default: ".search-container" Example: ".result-container", "#myContainer", "container" string undefined
icon (required) icon Sets the icon to be displayed inside the button. - The icon can be any string, emoji, or character entity. - If provided as a URL (starting with http://, https://, ./, ../, or /), the button will fetch and display the SVG from that location. - If the icon is a stringified SVG (starts with <svg), it will be directly rendered within the button. Example: "▼", "►", <svg ...>, or a URL like "" string undefined
isOpen is-open Defines the initial open state of the button and the target element. If true, the button and target element will be rendered with the "open" class. Example: true or false boolean false
label label Sets the accessible label for the button. This label is used for screen readers to describe the button's purpose. Example: "Toggle Details" string 'Toggle Details'
targetSelector (required) target-selector A CSS selector string for the target element within the container that will be toggled. - If prefixed with #, it will be treated as an ID selector. - If prefixed with ., it will be treated as a class selector. - If no prefix is provided, it will first try to match an element by ID within the container, and if none is found, it will attempt to match a class name. When the button is clicked, the "open" class will be toggled on this target element. Example: ".detail-wrapper", "#details", "detailWrapper" string undefined


  • aria-label: The label property sets an accessible label for the button, making it easier for screen readers to describe the button's purpose.
  • aria-expanded: The button dynamically toggles the aria-expanded attribute to indicate whether the target content is currently open or closed.
  • Keyboard Navigation: The button can be toggled via the keyboard using the "Enter" or "Space" keys.


<div class="my-container">
    label="Expand Section"
    <div class="section">
    <!-- The content to be shown/hidden on toggle -->

In this example:

  • The button uses a custom SVG icon from a URL.
  • It applies a custom CSS class to the button for styling.
  • It specifies a container and target element using container-selector and target-selector.
  • The is-open property initializes the section in an open state.

Customization & Theming

  • Use the buttonClass property to apply your own styles to the button. The icon property allows for custom icons, including SVGs or text. By setting the containerSelector and targetSelector, you have complete control over what content is toggled.

Built with StencilJS

Dependencies (3)

Dev Dependencies (7)

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