Scaffolding out a carv package.
Note that you will need to have Node.js installed.
Choose one of the following methods
npm init carv <project-folder>
yarn create carv <project-folder>
npx create-carv <project-folder>
npm i -g create-carv && create-carv <project-folder>
When you run one of the above scripts, you will be prompted with a few questions. Here's what you need to know to be ready:
- Optional NPM project scope: this is usually the company name
- Project name
- Optional project description
- Project type
- Workflow Form
- Extension Point
- Component Library
- Optional url to graphql endpoint
- Optional use of typescript
- Optional a custom NPM registry
- Preview with snowpack
- Unit test with jest
- Format code with Prettier
- ESLint for linting
- Optional svelte with svelte-preprocess
- Optional typing using typescript
- VS Code extension recommendations