🔭 Create Longue Vue 🔭
🔥 ] Create a Stéréosuper Nuxt.js App like a beast
Make sure you have npx installed (npx
is shipped by default since npm 5.2.0
npx create-longue-vue <my-project>
Or starting with npm v6.1 you can do:
npm init longue-vue <my-project>
Or with yarn:
yarn create longue-vue <my-project>
Features - Choose your package manager
👌 - Yarn
- Npm
- Choose your Netlify environment value:
- Production
🚀 - Preproduction
💅 - Developement
- Production
- Choose your CMS:
- DatoCMS
😘 - Prismic
💪 - None
- DatoCMS
- Choose your custom features :
- Choose Stéréorepo modules (Sac is included by default):
- Customize Sac configuration:
- Choose some packages:
CLI Options
Alias: -h
. Show the help information and exit, include: usage, command and all cli options.
Show debug logs
Alias: -v
. Show version number and exit.
How to update the package
Update version
You can update your package version by running npm version
npm version [<newversion> | major | minor | patch
This command will only update your package, not publish it to npm.
Publish a new version
To publish a new version of your package you just have to run npm publish
npm publish
This command, unlike the preceding, will publish your new version on your npm repo.