
2.2.9 • Public • Published

🔭 Create Longue Vue 🔭

[Alban 🔥] Create a Stéréosuper Nuxt.js App like a beast


Make sure you have npx installed (npx is shipped by default since npm 5.2.0)

npx create-longue-vue <my-project>

Or starting with npm v6.1 you can do:

npm init longue-vue <my-project>

Or with yarn:

yarn create longue-vue <my-project>

Features 🎉

  1. Choose your package manager 👌
    • Yarn
    • Npm
  2. Choose your Netlify environment value:
    • Production 🚀
    • Preproduction 💅
    • Developement 🔨
  3. Choose your CMS:
    • DatoCMS 😘
    • Prismic 💪
    • None 🤔
  4. Choose your custom features :
  5. Choose Stéréorepo modules (Sac is included by default):
  6. Customize Sac configuration:
  7. Choose some packages:

CLI Options


Alias: -h. Show the help information and exit, include: usage, command and all cli options.


Show debug logs


Alias: -v. Show version number and exit.

How to update the package

Update version

You can update your package version by running npm version.

npm version [<newversion> | major | minor | patch

This command will only update your package, not publish it to npm.

Publish a new version

To publish a new version of your package you just have to run npm publish.

npm publish

This command, unlike the preceding, will publish your new version on your npm repo.


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    npm i create-longue-vue

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    • alphability