
0.0.5 • Public • Published


An opinionated, but simple CLI tool to quickly create React Typescript files.

Side-project, loosely based on the excellent work of Josh Comeau's new-component

🚧 Under Construction 🚧



# Yarn:
yarn global add create-react-typescript-file

# or NPM:
npm i -g create-react-typescript-file


Navigate into your project's directory and run:


The tool will give you 3 actions:

  • Create files
  • Initialize (root) folder structure
  • Set up CTF configuration file

Set up CTF configuration file

By running this action, the tool will create a .ctf-config.json file with all defaults and the root you entered. It will ask you for the root folder name and which styling framework you want to use. Currently it "supports" CSS Modules, Styled Components and Vanilla-Extract. But it doesn't really add import statements to those files, so they are easily adoptable with other frameworks.

  "root": "src",
  "dirs": {
    "components": "components",
    "hooks": "hooks",
    "adapters": "adapters",
    "config": "config",
    "pages": "pages",
    "helpers": "helpers",
    "types": "types"
  "stylingType": "styled-components",
  "addStylingFileToComponent": true

After this setup, the tool will load up this configuration to get the needed default values per action.

Initialize (root) folder structure

This action will quickly setup an entire folder structure for the core parts of your application:

  • components
  • hooks
  • config
  • adapters
  • helpers
  • pages

All of these will be added to the root folder you entered in the configuration action. You can choose to opt out of any of these.

If you've chosen to add an index file per folder, it'll create one within each of those folders with a simple export {} that you can update later.

If you'd like to skip the "index file" question, you can add "addIndexFileToRootFolders": true, to the configuration file.

Create files

Components Currently you can add either a component or a hooks file. When you select a component, you can opt in to create a styling file as well (in the examples below, CSS-modules was selected). After selecting the name and entering the location (or keeping the default), you'll end up with a new directory that has three files:

// Button/index.ts
export { default } from './Button';
// components/Button/Button.tsx
import React from 'react';
import styles from './button.module.css';

type Props = React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<'div'> & {};

const Button: React.FunctionComponent<Props> = () => {
  return <div />;

export default Button;

And an empty style file

// components/Button/button.module.css

If found, it will also add an export statement to the index file of the parent directory.

Hooks Creating a hook will give you similar behavior, except that it will not create an index file, but will only create the following:

// hooks/useMyHook.ts
const useMyHook = () => {
  return {};

export default useMyHook;

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  • thmkae