
0.5.14 • Public • Published

description: Create Solid apps in one command with create-solid.

Create Solid

The easiest way to get started with Solid is by using create-solid. This CLI tool enables you to quickly start building a new Solid application, with everything set up for you. You can create a new app using the default SolidStart template or use one of the Official SolidStart Examples. To get started, use the following command:

npm init solid@latest

pnpm create solid@latest

# or
yarn create solid

# or
bunx create-solid

Why use Create Solid?

create-solid allows you to create a new Solid app within seconds. It includes a number of benefits:

  • Interactive Experience: Running npm init solid@latest (with no arguments) launches an interactive experience that guides you through setting up a project.
  • Zero Dependencies: Initializing a project is as quick as one second. Create Solid has zero runtime dependencies.
  • Support for Examples: Create Solid App can bootstrap your application using an example from the SolidStart official examples collection.


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    • ryansolid
    • thomas_beer