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0.0.0 • Public • Published


crumby-vue Core is a lightweight and flexible breadcrumb management utility for Vue.js applications. It provides a simple way to manage and display breadcrumbs in your Vue projects, supporting both static and dynamic routes.

✨ Features

  • 🥖 Easy Integration: Seamlessly integrates with Vue.js and Vue router.
  • 🧩 Highly Customizable: Customize breadcrumb labels, icons, and structure.
  • 🔗 Dynamic Route Support: Handles dynamic and nested routes effortlessly.
  • Lightweight: Minimal footprint with high performance.

📦 Installation

Install crumby-vue Core using npm or pnpm:

npm install crumby-vue
# or
pnpm add crumby-vue

🚀 Getting Started


First, import and use the useBreadcrumbs composable in your Vue component:

<script setup lang="ts">
import { useBreadcrumbs } from 'crumby-vue'

const breadcrumbs = useBreadcrumbs()

  <!-- Example usage -->
        <li v-for="crumb in breadcrumbs" :key="">
          <RouterLink :to="">
            {{ crumb.label }}

Customizing Breadcrumbs

You can customize the breadcrumbs by passing an options object to useBreadcrumbs:

const breadcrumbs = useBreadcrumbs({
  prependWith: '/',
  appendWith: '/end',
  ignore: ['/ignore-this']


Option Type Description Example Value
prependWith RouteLocationRaw | RouteLocationRaw[] Route(s) to prepend to the breadcrumb list. '/'
appendWith RouteLocationRaw | RouteLocationRaw[] Route(s) to append to the breadcrumb list. '/end'
ignore RouteLocationRaw[] An array of routes to ignore ['/ignore-this']

Defining Breadcrumb Meta Data

Override the default breadcrumb labels by adding a breadcrumb property to your route's meta object:

  path: '/',
  component: HomeView,
  meta: {
    breadcrumb: {
      label: 'Home',
      icon: 'i-home',

For dynamic routes, use a function to generate breadcrumb labels based on route parameters:

  path: '/:id',
  component: DynamicView,
  meta: {
    breadcrumb: (route) => ({

📄 License

crumby-vue Core is licensed under the MIT License.

🙌 Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Please read our contributing guidelines first.

📞 Support

If you have any questions or need help, feel free to open an issue.

Happy coding with crumby-vue! 🥖✨


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    • hannizesch