Write stylesheets in JS.
Works with any stack.
There are many ways of writing styles as JS (Free Style, restyle and babel-plugin-css-in-js – just to name a few). But none of them has the option to compile to a good old interoperable CSS stylesheet, or the new and shiny CSS module. I wanted an easy way to take advantage of JS goodness when writing stylesheets – a way compatible with any tech stack.
npm install [--save] css-in-js
const cssInJs = ; const indigo = '#3F51B5'; ▸ ;◂ ` .my-button { width: 50px; background-color: #3F51B5; } @media screen and (min-width: 80em) { .my-button { width: 100%; } } `
Any JS object is translated recursively to a CSS tree. To ensure two-way compatibility, we only support git.io/orthodox style objects.
When using fancy things which need a CSS fallback, you might want to set the same property more than once:
To cover these cases, we allow passing an array of style objects:
▸ ;◂ ` .drag-me { cursor: pointer; cursor: -webkit-grab; cursor: grab; } `
css-in-js is heavily inspired by the great elm-css by Richard Feldman. The name is inspired by the disrupting React talk CSS in JS by Christopher Chedeau.