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1.0.2 • Public • Published


Stylis v4 plugin to convert revert and CSS var usages back to their inline values. This plugin came about from a desire to use charkra-ui with IE11, which does not support the CSS variables.

Note 1: this plugin exists to remove an optimization for chakra-ui, with the understanding that supporting your IE11 user base is important.

How it works

The solution put forth by this plugin assumes that the css variable declarations will be passed through the same stylis processor BEFORE any css that uses them. The plugin tries its best to backwards apply variable definitions based on parent scope (but mileage will vary if making complex variable declarations).



By default, this plugin applies any time stylis is invoked.

Raw Stylis V4

import { serialize, compile, middleware, stringify } from 'stylis'
import createCssVarsRevert from('rgba-hex-to-func';

// create a middleware and apply it to your middleware chain
var css = serialize(compile(':root { --var1: "#ffffffff"; } .SomeCssClass { color: var(--var1); }'), middleware([createCssVarsRevert(), stringify]));


// Should log:
// :root { --var1: "#ffffffff"; } .SomeCssClass { color: #ffffffff; }


import createCache from '@emotion/cache'

export const myCache = createCache({
  key: 'my-prefix-key',
  stylisPlugins: [

Finer Control

Since this plugin is effectively undoing modern CSS for the sake of IE11, a few options are supplied to allow you to minimize the scope at which this plugin is applied or maximize its replacement stategy.

See __tests__ for examples.

  • applyWhen - If supplied this function will determine when to attempt to apply this plugin.

    Given the tricky nature of Server Side Rendering and determining if a browser supports css variables on server, this is left as an open-ended problem for the user to solve.

    Note: In certain SSR frameworks, you may discover that your desire to evaluate only on the client-side will not work if the server side render is the only side responsible for the css render (see example application).

Examples of applying this only on client-side

Raw Stylis V4

import { serialize, compile, middleware, stringify } from 'stylis';
import createRGBAHexToFuncMiddleware from 'rgba-hex-to-func';

// create a middleware and apply it to your middleware chain
serialize(compile('.SomeCssClass { color: #ffffffff; }'), middleware([createRGBAHexToFuncMiddleware({
    applyWhen: () => typeof window !== 'undefined' && !window?.CSS?.supports?.('color', 'var(--fake-var)'),
}), stringify]));


import createCache from '@emotion/cache';
import createRGBAHexToFuncMiddleware from 'rgba-hex-to-func';

export const myCache = createCache({
  key: 'my-prefix-key',
  stylisPlugins: [
      applyWhen: () => typeof window !== 'undefined' && !window?.CSS?.supports?.('color', 'var(--fake-var)'),
  • searchDocument - If set to true, this makes the plugin (when run on the clientside) search for style tags with variable definitions on first call of stylis. While this might seem worthless, if you are using a render strategy that provides variable declarations in a separate and disjoint style tag from the main body of code running stylis, this will at least consume the separate css variables, process them, and then apply them back over variable calls.

Note: If you're doing this, try to rethink the css solution as this includes dom-searching and parsing before applying the rest of stylis runs.

Examples of applying search document logic

Raw Stylis V4

import { serialize, compile, middleware, stringify } from 'stylis';
import createRGBAHexToFuncMiddleware from 'rgba-hex-to-func';

// create a middleware and apply it to your middleware chain
serialize(compile('.SomeCssClass { color: #ffffffff; }'), middleware([createRGBAHexToFuncMiddleware({
    searchDocument: true,
}), stringify]));


import createCache from '@emotion/cache'
import createRGBAHexToFuncMiddleware from 'rgba-hex-to-func';

export const myCache = createCache({
  key: 'my-prefix-key',
  stylisPlugins: [
        searchDocument: true,


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