
1.1.6 • Public • Published

CSV Validator JS

A robust JavaScript library for validating CSV files with custom rules and error messages.


  • Validate CSV files with custom rules for each column.
  • Support for multiple data types: integer, decimal, boolean, date, datetime, string, percentage, email, URL, phone number, currency, and number.
  • Customizable error messages for each column and validation rule.
  • Multi-language support (English, Spanish, French, Chinese etc.). You can define more.
  • Option to skip empty lines.
  • Option to validate header names.
  • Custom empty value check function.


npm install csv-validator-js

Version 1.1.5

Version 1.1.5 is now marked as a stable version.



Basic Usage

Define the rules for each column in the CSV file. In this basic example, no optional options are used.

import CSVValidator from 'csv-validator-js';

const columnDefinitions = {
    'Invoice Number': { dataType: 'number', required: true },
    'Invoice Amount': { dataType: 'decimal', required: true },
    'Invoice Date': { dataType: 'date' },
    'Due Date': { dataType: 'date' }

const validator = new CSVValidator({

const csvContent = `
Invoice Number,Invoice Amount,Invoice Date,Due Date

validator.parseAndValidateCSVString(csvContent, (isValid, errors) => {
    if (isValid) {
        console.log('CSV file is valid.');
    } else {
        console.error('CSV file is invalid:');
        for (const [rowIndex, errorMessages] of Object.entries(errors)) {
            console.error(`Row ${rowIndex}:`, errorMessages);

Result Returned

The result returned by the CSVValidator after validation is an object. The keys are row indices (starting from 0 for the header row) and the values are arrays of error messages for each row. This structure allows you to easily identify which rows have validation errors and what those errors are.

Example Result

  "0": ["Invalid header name Invalid Invoice Number at column 1."],
  "2": [
    "Invoice Number is required.",
    "Invalid currency value",
    "Invalid date value",
    "Invalid date value",
    "Invalid email address",
    "Invalid decimal value",
    "Invalid datetime value"
  "3": [
    "Invoice Number must be an integer.",
    "Invalid percentage value",
    "Invalid decimal value"

Error Messages

Each error message is descriptive and points to the specific issue in the CSV file. The possible error messages include:

  • Missing required value at row {row}, column {column} ({header}).
  • Duplicate value "{value}" found in rows: {rows} for column: {column}.
  • Row {row} is empty.
  • Header length mismatch. Expected {expected} headers but got {actual}.
  • CSV file is valid.
  • Invalid header name: {header} at column {column}.
  • Invalid {dataType} value at row {row}, column {column} ({header}).

Custom Error Messages

You can also define custom error messages for each column in the columnDefinitions. The custom error messages will include the header name and provide a clear description of the validation error.

Data Types

  • number: General numeric values. Optionally allow thousand separators.
    Valid examples: 123, 1,234.56, -1234

  • integer: Whole numbers without decimal points.
    Valid examples: 123, -1234

  • decimal: Numbers with decimal points. Optionally specify the number of decimal places and allow thousand separators.
    Valid examples: 123.45, 1,234.56, -1234.56

  • boolean: True or false values.
    Valid examples: true, false, TRUE, FALSE

  • date: Date values. Optionally specify the date format.
    Valid examples: 12/31/2020, 31-12-2020, 2020-12-31

  • datetime: Date and time values. Optionally specify the date-time format.
    Valid examples: 12/31/2020 14:30:00, 31-12-2020 14:30:00, 2020-12-31T14:30:00

  • string: Text values.
    Valid examples: Hello, 123, abc123

  • percentage: Percentage values.
    Valid examples: 10%, 100%, 50.5%

  • email: Email addresses.
    Valid examples: test@example.com, user.name+tag+sorting@example.com

  • url: URL addresses.
    Valid examples: http://example.com, https://www.example.com

  • phoneNumber: Phone numbers. Optionally specify the format.
    Valid examples: 123-456-7890, (123) 456-7890, +1-123-456-7890

  • currency: Currency values.
    Valid examples: $123.45, £123.45, €123.45

Example of defining columns with different data types:

const columnDefinitions = {
    'IntegerColumn': {
        dataType: 'integer',
    'DecimalColumn': {
        dataType: 'decimal',
        decimalPlaces: 2, // Optional
        allowThousandSeparator: true // Optional
    'BooleanColumn': {
        dataType: 'boolean' // true, false, TRUE, FALSE
    'DateColumn': {
        dataType: 'date',
        format: 'MM/DD/YYYY' // Optional, can be array of formats ['MM/DD/YYYY', 'M/D/YYYY']
    'DateTimeColumn': {
        dataType: 'datetime',
        format: 'MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm:ss' // Optional,  can be array of formats ['MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm:ss', 'M/D/YYYY HH:mm:ss']
    'StringColumn': {
        dataType: 'string'
    'PercentageColumn': {
        dataType: 'percentage' // 10%, 20.5%
    'EmailColumn': {
        dataType: 'email'
    'URLColumn': {
        dataType: 'url' // http://example.com
    'PhoneNumberColumn': {
        dataType: 'phoneNumber',
        format: 'XXX-XXX-XXXX' // Optional
    'NumberColumn': {
        dataType: 'number',
        allowThousandSeparator: true // Optional
    'CurrencyColumn': {
        dataType: 'currency',
        symbol: '$',                       // Optional: Currency symbol
        require_symbol: false,             // Optional: Require currency symbol (default: false)
        allow_space_after_symbol: false,   // Optional: Allow space after symbol (default: false)
        symbol_after_digits: false,        // Optional: Symbol after digits (default: false)
        allow_negatives: true,             // Optional: Allow negatives (default: true)
        parens_for_negatives: false,       // Optional: Parentheses for negatives (default: false)
        negative_sign_before_digits: false,// Optional: Negative sign before digits (default: false)
        negative_sign_after_digits: false, // Optional: Negative sign after digits (default: false)
        allow_negative_sign_placeholder: false,// Optional: Allow negative sign placeholder (default: false)
        thousands_separator: ',',          // Optional: Thousands separator (default: ',')
        decimal_separator: '.',            // Optional: Decimal separator (default: '.')
        allow_decimal: true,               // Optional: Allow decimal (default: true)
        require_decimal: false,            // Optional: Require decimal (default: false)
        digits_after_decimal: [2],         // Optional: Digits after decimal (default: [2])
        allow_space_after_digits: false    // Optional: Allow space after digits (default: false)


columnDefinitions (required)

An object defining the validation rules for each column. Each key should correspond to a column header, and each value should be an object specifying the validation rules and error messages for that column.


const columnDefinitions = {
    'Invoice Number': {
        dataType: 'string',
        required: true, // Optional, default false
    'Invoice Amount': {
        dataType: 'decimal',
        required: true,
        decimalPlaces: 2,
        errors: { // Optional custom error messages
            required: "Invoice Amount is required.",
            invalid: "Invoice Amount must be an decimal with two decimal places."
    'Custom Field': {
        dataType: 'customType',
        customValidator: (value) => value === 'custom', // Optional
        errors: { // Optional custom error messages
            invalid: "Custom Field must have the value 'custom'."

globalCustomValidators (optional)

An object defining global custom validators for specific data types. Default is an empty object.


const globalCustomValidators = {
    'customType': (value) => { return value === 'custom'; }

defaultInvalidMessages (optional)

An object defining default invalid messages for specific data types. Default is an empty object.


const defaultInvalidMessages = {
    'integer': "This field must be an integer."

language (optional)

The language for error messages. Supported languages are 'en', 'vi', 'zh', 'es', and 'fr'. Default is 'en'.


const language = 'en';

messages (optional)

An object defining custom error messages for various validation scenarios. By default, this option is set to an empty object, meaning no custom messages will be used unless defined.

You can specify messages for different languages (e.g., en for English, ja for Japanese) by using language codes as keys.


const customMessages = {
    ja: {
        required: '{header}のフィールドは行{row}で必須です。',
        duplicate: '行{row}の列{column}にある値"{value}"は重複しています。',
        emptyRow: '行{row}は空であってはいけません。',
        headerLength: '期待される列数は{expected}ですが、実際には{actual}です。',
        invalidHeader: '列{column}のヘッダー"{header}"は無効です。',
        valid: 'CSVファイルは正常に検証されました!',

// Create an instance of CSVValidator
const validator = new CSVValidator({
    messages: customMessages,

skipEmptyLines (optional)

A boolean indicating whether to skip empty lines. Default is true.


const skipEmptyLines = false;

validateHeaderNames (optional)

A boolean indicating whether to validate header names. Default is true.


const validateHeaderNames = false;

customEmptyValueCheck (optional)

A function to check if a value is considered empty. Default is null.


const customEmptyValueCheck = (value) => { return value === ''; };

Advanced Usage

Using with String (with all possible options)

import CSVValidator from 'csv-validator-js';

const columnDefinitions = {
  'Invoice Number': {
    dataType: 'integer',
    required: true,
    customValidator: (value) => {
      // Custom validation logic (if needed)
      return true; // Return true if valid, false otherwise
    errors: {
      required: "Invoice Number is required.",
      invalid: "Invoice Number must be an integer.",
      custom: "Invoice Number failed custom validation."
  'Invoice Amount': {
    dataType: 'currency',
    required: true,
    customValidator: (value) => {
      // Custom validation logic (if needed)
      return true; // Return true if valid, false otherwise
    errors: {
      required: "Invoice Amount is required.",
      invalid: "Invalid currency value",
      custom: "Invoice Amount failed custom validation."
  'Invoice Date': {
    dataType: 'date',
    format: 'MM/DD/YYYY',
    required: true,
    customValidator: (value) => {
      // Custom validation logic (if needed)
      return true; // Return true if valid, false otherwise
    errors: {
      required: "Invoice Date is required.",
      invalid: "Invalid date value",
      custom: "Invoice Date failed custom validation."
  'Due Date': {
    dataType: 'date',
    format: 'MM/DD/YYYY',
    required: true,
    customValidator: (value) => {
      // Custom validation logic (if needed)
      return true; // Return true if valid, false otherwise
    errors: {
      required: "Due Date is required.",
      invalid: "Invalid date value",
      custom: "Due Date failed custom validation."
  'Customer Email': {
    dataType: 'email',
    required: true,
    customValidator: (value) => {
      // Custom validation logic (if needed)
      return true; // Return true if valid, false otherwise
    errors: {
      required: "Customer Email is required.",
      invalid: "Invalid email address",
      custom: "Customer Email failed custom validation."
  'Customer Website': {
    dataType: 'url',
    errors: {
      invalid: "Invalid URL"
  'Customer Phone': {
    dataType: 'phoneNumber',
    errors: {
      invalid: "Invalid phone number"
  'Discount Rate': {
    dataType: 'percentage',
    errors: {
      invalid: "Invalid percentage value"
  'Tax Amount': {
    dataType: 'decimal',
    decimalPlaces: 2,
    errors: {
      invalid: "Invalid decimal value"
  'Transaction Date': {
    dataType: 'datetime',
    format: 'MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm:ss',
    errors: {
      invalid: "Invalid datetime value"

const customMessages = {
  en: {
    required: 'Please fill out the required field for {header} in row {row}.',
    invalid: 'The value "{value}" in column {column} at row {row} is invalid.',
    duplicate: 'The value "{value}" in column {column} at row {row} is duplicated.',
    emptyRow: 'Row {row} cannot be empty.',
    headerLength: 'Expected {expected} columns but found {actual}.',
    invalidHeader: 'The header "{header}" in column {column} is not valid.',
    valid: 'The CSV file has been validated successfully!',

const validator = new CSVValidator({
  columnDefinitions: columnDefinitions,
  validateHeaderNames: true,  // Set to false if you don't want to validate header names
  messages: customMessages,
  allowEmptyRows: false,  // Set to true if you want to allow empty rows

const csvContent = `
Invoice Number,Invoice Amount,Invoice Date,Due Date,Customer Email,Customer Website,Customer Phone,Discount Rate,Tax Amount,Transaction Date
123,100.00,12/31/2020,01/31/2021,test@example.com,http://example.com,123-456-7890,10%,110.00,12/31/2020 14:30:00

validator.parseAndValidateCSVString(csvContent, (isValid, errors) => {
  if (isValid) {
    console.log('CSV file is valid.');
  } else {
    console.error('CSV file is invalid:');
    for (const [rowIndex, errorMessages] of Object.entries(errors)) {
      console.error(`Row ${rowIndex}:`, errorMessages);

Using with File

_onDrop = (acceptedFiles) => {
    const csvColumns = {
        'Status': { dataType: 'string', required: true },
        'Series': { dataType: 'string', required: true },
        'Number': { dataType: 'integer' },
        'Deal': { dataType: 'string', required: true },
        'Issuer': { dataType: 'string' },
        'IssuerId': { dataType: 'string', required: true },
        'Buyer': { dataType: 'string' },
        'BuyerId': { dataType: 'string', required: true },
        'Funder': { dataType: 'string' },
        'FaceValue': { dataType: 'number', required: true },
        'RequiredRepaymentAmount': { dataType: 'number' },
        'Interest': { dataType: 'number' },
        'Rate': { dataType: 'percentage' },
        'Tiie': { dataType: 'string' },
        'CashInterest': { dataType: 'number' },
        'ServiceFee': { dataType: 'number' },
        'ServiceFeeRate': { dataType: 'percentage' },
        'Vat': { dataType: 'number' },
        'VatRate': { dataType: 'percentage' },
        'TechFee': { dataType: 'number' },
        'TechFeeRate': { dataType: 'percentage' },
        'VatTechFee': { dataType: 'number' },
        'VatTechFeeRate': { dataType: 'percentage' },
        'AdvanceAmount': { dataType: 'number' },
        'AdvanceRate': { dataType: 'percentage' },
        'Cap': { dataType: 'number' },
        'CapRate': { dataType: 'percentage' },
        'CapitalBalance': { dataType: 'number' },
        'InterestBalance': { dataType: 'number' },
        'OverdueInterestBalance': { dataType: 'number' },
        'TotalBalance': { dataType: 'number' },
        'Period': { dataType: 'integer' },
        'InitialDate': { dataType: 'date', format: ['MM/DD/YYYY', 'M/D/YYYY'], required: true },
        'DueDate': { dataType: 'date', format: ['MM/DD/YYYY', 'M/D/YYYY'], required: true },
        'AllowanceDate': { dataType: 'date', format: ['MM/DD/YYYY', 'M/D/YYYY'] }

    const validator = new CSVValidator({
        columnDefinitions: csvColumns,
        validateHeaderNames: false

    acceptedFiles.forEach((file) => {
        const reader = new FileReader();
        reader.onload = (e) => {
            validator.parseAndValidateCSVFile(file, (isValid, errors) => {
                if (isValid) {
                    console.log('CSV file is valid.');
                } else {
                    console.error('CSV file is invalid:');
                    for (const [rowIndex, errorMessages] of Object.entries(errors)) {
                        console.error(`Row ${rowIndex}:`, errorMessages);

HTML for File Upload

<input type="file" id="csvFileInput" accept=".csv">


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


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  • dhientran