
1.0.42 • Public • Published


csv2geo is a Node.js module that allows you to convert CSV files into geographic data formats such as GeoJSON, KML, and more.


To install csv2geo, run the following command:

npm install csv2geo

Example Usage (geojson)

Example Usage Here's a simple example of how to use csv2geo to convert a CSV file into GeoJSON format. You don't need to provide any options, the tool will automatically detect the latitude and longitude fields in your CSV.

const csv2geo = require('csv2geo');

.then((geojson) => {
    // geojson contains the full GeoJSON object
    let geojsonObject   = geojson;
    let geojsonFeatures = geojson.features;

    console.log('GeoJSON created:', geojsonObject);
.catch((err) => {
    console.error('Error:', err);

Example with Options (geojson)

If your CSV file uses custom field names for latitude and longitude, or has a different delimiter, you can pass these options into the method.

const csv2geo = require('csv2geo');

csv2geo.geojson('./example.csv', {
    latitudeFieldName: "latFieldName",       // Custom field name for Latitude 
    longitudeFieldName: "lonFieldName",      // Custom field name for Longitude 
    delimeter: ";",                          // Custom delimiter character
    saveFilePath: "./output.geojson",        // Save the GeoJSON as a file
.then((geojson) => {
    // geojson contains the full GeoJSON object
    let geojsonObject   = geojson;
    let geojsonFeatures = geojson.features;

    console.log('GeoJSON saved to file and created:', geojsonObject);
.catch((err) => {
    console.error('Error:', err);


  • latitudeFieldName (optional): Specify the name of the latitude field in your CSV if it's not automatically detected.
  • longitudeFieldName (optional): Specify the name of the longitude field in your CSV if it's not automatically detected.
  • delimeter (optional): The delimiter used in your CSV file (default is ,).
  • saveFilePath (optional): The path where the output GeoJSON will be saved. If not provided, the GeoJSON will only be returned as an object.

KML Conversion

You can also convert CSV to KML format using the same method:

csv2geo.kml('./example.csv', {
    saveFilePath: "./output.kml"
.then((kml) => {
    console.log('KML created and saved to file:', kml);
.catch((err) => {
    console.error('Error:', err);

Shapefile and GPX Conversion (Coming Soon)

The shapefile() and gpx() methods are currently under development and will be available soon.

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npm i csv2geo

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  • seremetonurhan