Cuberyl (kjúːberəl) is a Javascript library to simulate NxNxN cube puzzle.
Until now N = 3, 4, 5.
- Judge whether a cube is solved or not
- Judge a given algorithm is a valid 3-style of edge/corner part
Example 1 (code: ./examples/ex1.js
const {Cube} = require('cuberyl');
// 3x3x3 cube
const cube = new Cube(3);
console.dir(cube.isSolved()); // true
cube.move("U R'");
let cnt = 1;
const isSolved = cube.isSolved(); // false
console.dir(`${cnt} ${isSolved}`);
while(!cube.isSolved()) {
cube.move("U R'");
cnt += 1;
const isSolved = cube.isSolved(); // false but last time.
console.dir(`${cnt} ${isSolved}`);
// => 1 false
// => 2 false
// ...
// => 63 true
Example 2 (code: ./examples/ex2.js
const {Algorithm333} = require('cuberyl');
const alg = new Algorithm333("U R D R' U' R D' R'");
const isValidThreeStyle = alg.isValidThreeStyleCorner('UBL', 'UBR', 'RBD');
if (isValidThreeStyle) {
console.log('OK'); // => OK