Docx rendering library
cx-docx is based on docx-preview
- anchor location conflicts with hash routing
- some style issues
- some numbering issues
- comments
- outline
- quick jump to caption
- preview endnote and footnote
<!--lib uses jszip-->
<script src=""></script>
<script src="cx-docx.js"></script>
var docData = <document Blob>;
docx.renderAsync(docData, document.getElementById("container"))
.then(x => console.log("docx: finished"));
<div id="container"></div>
document: Blob | ArrayBuffer | Uint8Array, // could be any type that supported by JSZip.loadAsync
bodyContainer: HTMLElement, //element to render document content,
styleContainer: HTMLElement, //element to render document styles, numbeings, fonts. If null, bodyContainer will be used.
options: {
className: string = "docx", //class name/prefix for default and document style classes
inWrapper: boolean = true, //enables rendering of wrapper around document content
ignoreWidth: boolean = false, //disables rendering width of page
ignoreHeight: boolean = false, //disables rendering height of page
ignoreFonts: boolean = false, //disables fonts rendering
breakPages: boolean = true, //enables page breaking on page breaks
ignoreLastRenderedPageBreak: boolean = true, //disables page breaking on lastRenderedPageBreak elements
experimental: boolean = false, //enables experimental features (tab stops calculation)
trimXmlDeclaration: boolean = true, //if true, xml declaration will be removed from xml documents before parsing
useBase64URL: boolean = false, //if true, images, fonts, etc. will be converted to base 64 URL, otherwise URL.createObjectURL is used
renderChanges: false, //enables experimental rendering of document changes (inserions/deletions)
renderHeaders: true, //enables headers rendering
renderFooters: true, //enables footers rendering
renderFootnotes: true, //enables footnotes rendering
renderEndnotes: true, //enables endnotes rendering
renderComments: false, // enables comments rendering
renderOutline: false, // enables outline rendering
renderNumbering: true, //enable numbering
debug: boolean = false, //enables additional logging
}): Promise<any>