Automates the publication of truffle
nightly & experimental builds to NPM.
The default builds are develop
and next
(tagged as @latest and @next respectively.)
You can also specify arbitrary builds/tags at the command line. The tool installs,
checks out, and symlinks truffle
at a branch, then builds and publishes it to the tag.
npm install -g darq-publisher
$ darq-publisher Usage: darq-publisher --default | --branch <branch> --tag <tag> [--step <semver-step> --root <base-branch>] Options: -d, --default Publish default branches listed in darq.json -b, --branch <required> Branch to checkout before publishing -t, --tag <required> Tag to publish branch as -r, --root [optional]', 'Base branch to checkout before `branch` -s, --step [optional] Semver step to increment version: -v, --verbose Show shell command output -h, --help output usage information # Publish `darq-truffle@latest` and `darq-truffle@next` $ darq-publisher --default # Publish branch `ghosts` as `darq-truffle@casper` $ darq-publisher --branch ghosts --tag casper # Publish branch `witches` using base-branch `next` as `darq-truffle@wendy` $ darq-publisher --root next --branch witches --tag wendy
How to increment
When there are no real releases, do nothing. darq-truffle
auto-increments a pre-release.
When there is a real release, semver will look like this:
4.1.5 # Real truffle 4.1.5-latest.2 # darq truffle
Increment a step up by running twice as below:
darq-publisher --branch develop --tag latest --step patch # Increments darq-truffle to 4.1.6
darq-publisher --branch develop --tag latest # Increments darq-truffle to 4.1.6-latest.0
Looks like
(This takes about 10 minutes.)