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Declare the data structure, transform it when needed, and send requests to update!

Datree is about a concept of full-stack web programming. This is the core implementation of this idea.

Development Status

Although datree core is done, some other important pieces should also be finished to make the whole thing works.

  • datree-mongodb The MongoDB binding for datree. It might be complex in design.
  • datree-socketio Using to sync data between server and client. It won't be complex.
  • datree-react The React binding for datree. It could be as simple as a mixin.

I am trying hard to finish them. Contributions are welcomed!



While writing web apps, data connects the database and the interface. In "the REST part" of apps, we are always fetching data from server, listening user modifications, and send them back to the server. These make our code awful.

Actually, it is just the transformation of data. We do not need to care about how to send or receive data. We just need to declare what the data "shape" looks like, and which is the source of the data.

With datree, we need

  • declare the "shape" and source of the data
  • raise requests if update is required
  • declare some filters to filter operations or change the data

In this point of view, we could see the dataflow as below.

Database (or similar data sources) <--> Datree A <--> Datree B <--> ... <--> Interface

Now, the key to write apps is defining data structures and the connections. Datree solves how data flows between databses and datrees. The interface? Fortunately, we have React, VUE, and some others which works in a declarative way.


In the datree system, we could define many pieces of data. One piece of data is called a "node". The node structure looks like a JavaScript object. Non-leaf nodes are common objects. Leaf nodes are strings, numbers, booleans, etc.

A node could be linked to a source node (of cause, the link state should be declared in advance). It is a special two-way connection. The node's value changes if its source changes. However, if the node want to change its value, it should send a request to its source, waiting the source to "permit" changes.


Different from JavaScript objects, the data in datree is shaped. It means

  • leaf nodes have a fixed type (string, number, boolean, function, or json)
  • non-leaf nodes have static children declared in advance, which are not removable

But there are relaxations for some cases

  • json-typed leaf nodes could hold any data that is JSON-compatible
  • non-leaf nodes could be "dynamic"

Dynamic nodes could have dynamic children. The dynamic children could be inserted or removed, and have a changeable order for iteration.

The Datree Core

Datree core handles datree declaration and transformation between datrees. Here is a small example.

var Node = require('datree').Node;
var MemorySource = require('datree').MemorySource;
    _id: 'PID',
    title: 'The Last Leaf',
    author: 'O. Henry',
    content: '<p>...</p>',
    comments: []
}, function(post){
        fields: {
            title: 'title',
            author: 'author',
            content: 'content'
    }, function(postForReading){
        post.request('content', 'THE NEW CONTENT', function(){
            console.log(postForReading.content); // 'THE NEW CONTENT'


Using Sources

To use datree, firstly a source node is required. The easy way to create sources is using database bindings or the built-in MemorySource to store something temporarily.

var MemorySource = require('datree').MemorySource;
    key: 'defaultValue',
    arr: [{ num: 1 }, { num: 2 }]
}, function(sourceNode){
    console.log(sourceNode.key); // === 'defaultValue'

The MemorySource.create(obj, cb) call creates a node that works as a data source. The node could contain children just like JavaScript objects. Each property is called a field of its parent. The obj could be common JavaScript objects with strings, numbers, booleans, objects, and arrays. Strings, numbers, and booleans are default values for fields. Types of fields are inferred from default values. Types for fields could not be changed after created. Once created, cb is called with the created source node as the first argument.


Once you need to transform a source node or watch the changes of some fields, you need to transform the source.

    newKey: { link: 'key' },
    newArr: 'arr', // equals to { link: 'arr' } and { link: sourceNode.getChild('arr') }
    update: function(newValue){
        // this function is called when a value is changed in this node
        console.log(this.node); // === newNode
}, function(newNode){
    console.log(newNode.key); // === undefined
    console.log(newNode.newKey); // === 'defaultValue'

You could also create a new node instead, using Node.create(def, cb). The only difference is that you should specify the source node in the link statement.

var Node = require('datree').Node;
    newKey: { link: sourceNode.getChild('key') },
    newArr: sourceNode.getChild('arr') // equals to { link: sourceNode.getChild('arr') }
}, function(newNode){});

Understanding Nodes

Each value of a field is also a node. Every time you create a node, you are actually creating a tree of nodes. So nodes have parent/child relationships, and nodes could be leaf nodes (typed string, number, boolean, json, or function) or non-leaf nodes.

Sometimes you would like to mix source fields and linked fields in a single tree. It is also possible through Node.create(def, cb), but you should handle the requests of source fields yourself.

    newKey: { link: sourceNode.getChild('key') },
    newSource: {
        value: 1, // this is the default value, the type is inferred from it
        request: function(requestedValue, cb){
            this.async = true; // this handler is an async function
            this.node.update(requestedValue, cb); // update this field to the requested value
}, function(newNode){});

There is a special type for leaf nodes - "function". Function-typed nodes could be called with .exec(cb). It works just like calling the declared function. However, you could not pass any parameters.


When a value of a node need to be updated, you need to update on the source (you could ONLY do it on the source nodes). If you define a source manually (without database bindings or MemorySource), you should do it with .update(newValue, cb). The new values are always converted to the type of corresponding source nodes.

sourceNode.update(newValue, function(){
    // this callback is called when data flow finished
// update to the source node itself is finished synchronously
console.log(sourceNode.getCachedValue()); // === newValue

If the new value equals to the old one, the update process is not triggered at all.


You could also raise requests to update the source with .request(newValue, cb). If a request is not send from the source node, it would be piped to the source. Requested values are not updated automatically. They are handled by source nodes.

node.request(newValue, function(){
    // this callback is called when data flow finished
// you cannot assume that the value is changed or would be changed sometime - it all depends to the source

Dynamic Nodes

Sometimes you would like to dynamically add/remove children for a non-leaf node (i.e. working with arrays). You could do it by declaring the node as a "dynamic" node. Dynamic nodes could have static fields, but it is not recommended.

When you want to update the field list of a dynamic source node, you should use .createField(fieldName, def, cb) to create a new field for it (if not created before), and then update the list with .updateFields(newFieldList, cb).

    dynamic: true
}, function(sourceNode){
    sourceNode.createField('num', {
        value: 0,
        writable: false // deny any requests
    }, function(numField){
        sourceNode.createField('str', {
            value: '',
            writable: false
        }, function(strField){
            sourceNode.updateFields([numField, strField], function(){
                // this callback is called when data flow finished

Dynamic fields have orders. You could iterate them with .forEach(cb) or .forIn(cb).

sourceNode.forEach(function(value, index, node){
    console.log(value); // this is the value of leaf node or non-leaf node itself
    console.log(node === sourceNode); // === true
sourceNode.forIn(function(fieldName, value, node){
    console.log(value); // this is the value of leaf node or non-leaf node itself
    console.log(node === sourceNode); // === true

Using Filters

Filters are allowed in request, update, and updateFields data flows. They are quite useful for filtering data and authentication.

    newKey: 'key',
    newArr: {
        link: 'arr',
        updateFields: function(newDynamicFields, cb){
            // the newDynamicFields is an array
            // the items in the array should be source nodes of the dynamic children
            console.log(this.node === sourceNode.getChild('newArr')); // === true
    request: [function(requestedValue, cb){ // an array of filter functions are also allowed
        // this filter would be called on requests of descendant nodes - newKey and newArr
        console.log(this.node === sourceNode); // === true
}, function(node){});

A filtering function is sync by default. The return value of sync filters are used as the filtered value. You could use change the function to async by setting this.async = true. Then the filtered value could be provided in the callback. If the filtered value is undefined, then the value would not be changed.

The data flow bubbles up to ancestors, so that you could declare filters in the parent to catch all dataflow to its children. this.node is the current node, and this.path is an array to describe the path to the target node that raise the target data flow. You could use this.node.getDescendant(this.path) to get the target node. this.interrupted could be set to true if you want to interrupt the whole data flow and also the filter chain.

Datree obtains special locks to prevent race conditions for a single datree. There could not be two data flows running in one datree at any moment. If one data flow is unfinished (i.e. an async filter did not called the callback), the other data flow on the same datree would wait for it. Sometimes it causes deadlocks. BE AWARE OF THIS.

Busy States

A node is busy if one or more requests on itself and its descendants are waiting callbacks.

    newSource: {
        value: 0,
        request: function(newValue, cb){
            this.async = true;
            setTimeout(cb, 0);
}, function(node){
    node.request('newSource', 1, function(){
        console.log(node.isBusy('newSource')); // === false
    console.log(node.isBusy('newSource')); // === true

If a node is writable, there is always a non-writable node keeping track of the busy state of it. You could get the node by node.getBusyNode(), but you should NEVER update it yourself.

Synchronous Creation

Node creation calls Node.create(defOrShape, cb), node.transform(def, cb), and node.createField(fieldName, def, cb) have an synchronously returned value, indicating the half-created node. A half-created node has the same structure of the created node, but the current value might not have been transferred from its parent. This happens in following cases.

  • The node or its descendants has asynchronous update filters, or one of their non-cacheable sources has asynchronous update filters.
  • The node or its descendants has asynchronous create filters. MemorySource use them on arrays.


Install with npm install datree.

Shape manages the declaration of datrees. You could create datrees with the same declaration using Shape. Shape = require('datree').Shape

  • Shape.create(def) create and return a new shape with def. def is the object to declare datrees. The format of def is listed below.
  • def.source could be a reference node. It used as the relative node for, and does NOT mean this node is linked to the source. It could also be a path to reference node declared in the node's closest ancestor.
  • should be given only when this node is linked. The value could be the source node or the path to the reference node declared by def.source. If a path is given, it internally calls Node.getDescendant(path) on the reference node to find the source node.
  • def.type should be the type of this node if it is a leaf node, or undefined if it is a non-leaf node. The allowed types are "string", "number", "boolean", "json", and "function". You could also declare it to JavaScript built-in objects - String, Number, Boolean, JSON, and Function. It could also be ignored if def.value is given - it could be inferred.
  • def.value defines the default value for initializing this node. If the node is updated with a new value and the new value could not be converted to the declared type (i.e. "str" to number), it would be set to the default value. Default values could be inferred from def.type.
  • def.cache defines a leaf node or descendants of a non-leaf node would be cacheable or not. If a leaf node is cacheable, its value could be accessed any time. Otherwise its value could only be accessed in def.update filters.
  • def.writable if set to false, the node and its descendants would be not writable. A non-writable node silently ignores the requests to it.
  • def.fields defines the fields of a non-leaf node. The fields could also be defined in the def itself if the field name is not collided with preserved definition key words. If no fields are found, all static fields are linked to the reference node (i.e. defined by def.source).
  • def.addFields links all static fields from the reference node, and add some extra fields defined here. Useful for transformation.
  • def.removeFields could be an array of field names. These arrays would be removed. Useful for transformation.
  • def.dynamic whether the node is dynamic or not. Default to false.
  • def.update the update filters. See guides for usages.
  • def.updateFields the updateFields filters. See guides for usages.
  • def.request the request filters. See guides for usages.
  • def.create the create filters. These filters are not in any data flow, have no value to filter, and would not bubble up. It just allows you do something after node creation (i.e. inserting dynamic children).
  • def.destroy the destroy filters. Similar to def.create, these filters are not in any data flow, have no value to filter, and would not bubble up.

Node provides basic support for node manipulation. Node = require('datree').Node

  • Node.create(defOrShape, cb) create a new node and return it in callback. defOrShape could be a shape or def of a shape.
  • node.destroy() destroy the node. The node would not receive any requests and updates any more.
  • node.getShape() get the shape of the node.
  • node.getParent() get the parent node of the node.
  • node.getFieldName() get the field name in its parent of the node.
  • node.getCachedValue() get the cached value if the node is cacheable.
  • node.getStaticChild(fieldName) get the static child node by the fieldName of the node.
  • node.getDynamicChild(fieldName) get the dynamic child node by the fieldName of the node.
  • node.getChild(fieldName) get the static child or the dynamic child by the fieldName of the node.
  • node.getDescendant(path) get the descendant by the path of the node. path is an array of field names (or a single string of a field name). This method calls .getChild(fieldName) repeatedly to find the descendant from the node.
  • node.get() return the cached value for leaf node, or the node itself for non-leaf node. If the node is function-typed, it returns a function that could be directly called (no need to use node.exec(cb)).
  • node.get(fieldName) call node.get() on the child node in fieldName of the node (i.e. return cached value for leaf child node, or the child node it self for non-leaf child node). If the field name only contains letters, numbers, and underscores (common varible name compatible), node[fieldName] is a shortcut for this method.
  • node.getDynamicChildren() get an array of dynamic children of the node.
  • node.forEach(cb) iterate dynamic children of the node. See guides for usages.
  • node.forIn(cb) iterate dynamic children of the node. See guides for usages.
  • node.isBusy([fieldName], cb) whether the node or the child in fieldName of it is busy or not.
  • node.getBusyNode([fieldName], cb) get a node indicating the busy state of the node or the child in fieldName of it.
  • node.transform(def, cb) create a new node with def.source default to the node.
  • node.createField(fieldName, def, cb) create a new dynamic child for the node. See guides for usages.
  • node.updateFields(arr, cb) update field list for a dynamic node. See guides for usages.
  • node.update([fieldName], newValue, cb) update a source node or the child in fieldName of it. See guides for usages.
  • node.request([fieldName], requestedValue, cb) raise a request on a node or the child in fieldName of it. See guides for usages.
  • node.exec([fieldName], cb) call a function-typed node. A function-typed node is in a special data flow. You could trigger a function-typed node with no arguments using this method.

MemorySource is a helper for creating common in-memory data sources. MemorySource = require('datree').MemorySource

MemorySource.create(obj, cb) create a source node. The obj contains structure and default values for the node. Arrays in obj would be translated to dynamic nodes, with pre-defined append and remove features. To append a child to the array, request a new object on append field (it is a JSON-typed field). To remove a child in the array, request the field name on remove field.






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