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9.0.1 • Public • Published

ddFlexbox, ddFlexitem

DdFlexbox and ddFlexitem (Source Code) are Angular UI Framework directives for display: flex; based layouting. See Deployed Site for project's CI built template view.


Handles setting of flex based style parameters on the target element. Useful for layouting done directly in templates and generally separating layouting from visuals which can stay in CSS. Both directives can be used on same element. Directive's parameters can be mixed together in any order (and can be separated by spaces) e.g. ddFlexbox="vycw" denotes a vbox (flex-direction: column;) with items centered horizontally and with auto-wrapping.

HowTo: Example of flexible layout with top menu, sidebar and auto-wrapping data view

<!-- main: vbox -->
<div ddFlexbox="v">
  <!-- menu: hbox with centered content -->
  <div ddFlexbox="xcyc">
  <!-- content: hbox -->
  <div ddFlexbox>
    <!-- sidebar: no grow or shrink in parent, itself a vbox with content to the right -->
    <div ddFlexitem="0 0" ddFlexbox="vye">
      <!-- label: position self left in parent -->
      <h3 ddFlexitem="as">Do:</h3>
      <button>Action 1</button>
      <button>Action 2</button>
      <button>Action 3</button>
    <!-- data view: hbox which auto-wraps content -->
    <div ddFlexbox="w">
      <!-- data items: cards with different min width -->
      <div *ngFor="let card of [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]" ddFlexitem="0 0 {{ 1 + card%3 }}00px" ddFlexbox="v">
        <h4>Card {{card}}</h4>
        <label>Text Card Text Card Text Card</label>



CSS Targeted Css Value Parameter Info
display flex - default (auto-set)
flex-direction row h (default) hbox
column v vbox
flex-wrap wrap w auto-wrap mode (default is 'no-wrap')
justify-content flex-start xs (default) pack content at beginning of flex-direction
center xc ...
flex-end xe ...
space-between xb ...
space-around xa ...
align-items flex-start ys pack content at beginning 90° to flex-direction
center yc ...
flex-end ye ...
baseline yb ...
stretch yt (default) ...
align-content flex-start cs aligning lines when wrapped (yeah I know, see docs)
center cc ...
flex-end ce ...
space-between cb ...
space-around ca ...
stretch ct (default) ...


CSS Targeted Css Value Parameter
align-self flex-start as
center ac
flex-end ae
baseline ab
stretch at
auto aa (default if empty)
flex <grow> <shrink> {size} <grow> <shrink> {size} (default is 0 1 auto)



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    • devdroy