A nice little tool for when you forget to npm install --save
. It inspects your node_modules
directory, pulls out module names and versions and either merges them into your package.json or replaces them outright.
Resets package.json dependencies using a pretty interactive process.
Usage: packager [options]
-c, --clear Wipe all dependencies and devDependencies (start from scratch). [default: 1]
-m, --modifier Which npm version prefix to add. [default: "~"]
-y, --yes Assumes you want to add all node_modules to package.json.
Which do you want to include in your package.json? Type y, n or dev (to add to devDependencies). Type explicit version number to override.
prompt: async [0.2.9]: (y)
prompt: colors [0.6.2]: (y)
prompt: glob [3.2.7]: (y)
prompt: optimist [0.6.0]: (y)
prompt: prompt [0.2.12]: (y)
prompt: underscore [1.5.2]: (y)
Writing out new package.json.