
2.1.14 • Public • Published

Discord Multipurpose

This is a package to help make development of Discord.js bots easier. Also has Type Declarations!


$npm i discord-multipurpose@latest

That should install the package to your project

Modules & Usage

  • Discord Emoji

const Multipurpose = require("discord-multipurpose");

// Logs "🍎"
  • Discord Image Manipulation

    • You need canvas installed to use these functions, discord.js is not required for these. If you are on Windows and have never used canvas previously, you will probably need to install windows-build-tools using npm i -g windows-build-tools along with GTK-2 & Python. Refer to this for further information

    • Methods

      • ping:

        • Draws a Discord ping across the user's image
        • Parameters:
          • avatar (Type: string | Buffer, Required: true): The avatar of the user
      • fakeReply:

        • Draws a fake reply yk
        • Parameters:
          • avatar1 (Type: string | Buffer, Required: true): The avatar of the user who is replying
          • avatar2 (Type: string | Buffer, Required: true): The avatar of the user being replied to
          • username1 (Type: string, Required: true): The nickname/username of the user who is replying
          • username2 (Type: string, Required: true): The nickname/username of the user who is being replied to
          • messageText (Type: string, Required: true): The content of the sent message
          • replyText (Type: string, Required: true): The content of the replied message
          • hex1 (Type: string, Required: false): The colour of the role of the replying user
          • hex2 (Type: string, Required: false): The colour of the role of the replying user
          • mode (Type: string, Options: 'light', 'dark', Required: false, default: dark): The mode you want the stuff to be displayed in
          FakeReply-light FakeReply-dark
      • invert:

        • Inverts the Image colours
        • Parameters:
          • avatar (Type: string | Buffer): The image, whose colours you want to invert
      • sepia:

        • Applies Sepia effect on to the image
        • Parameters:
          • avatar (Type: string | Buffer): The image on which you want to apply the effect/filter
      • greyscale:

        • Applies greyscale filter on the image
        • Parameters:
          • avatar (Type: string | Buffer): The image on which you want to apply the filter
      • blur:

        • Blurs an Image
        • Parameters:
          • avatar (Type: string | Buffer): The image which you want to blur
      • drip:

        • Drip, do I need to explain further? 😎
        • Parameters:
          • avatar (Type: string | Buffer): The image which will be Drip's face replacement
    • Example

       const Multipurpose = require("discord-multipurpose");
       const Discord = require("discord.js");
       const client = new Discord.Client();
       client.on("ready", () => console.log(`Logged in as ${client.user.tag}!`));
       client.on("message", async (message) => {
       	if(message.author.bot) return;
       	if(message.content.toLowerCase() === ">ping") {
       		const ping = await Multipurpose.Image.ping(message.author.displayAvatarURL({ format: 'png' }));
       		return message.channel.send(new MessageAttachment(ping, "ping.png"));
  • Discord Util

    • Works only for Discord.js bots, you need it installed to use these methods
    • Methods
      • paginateEmbed:

        • Paginate your Embeds using reactions!

        • Parameters

          • msg (Type: Message, required: true): The message object, which you get from the Message Event
          • pages (Type: MessageEmbed[], required: true) :An array of MessageEmbeds, which you want to be in list
          • emojiList (Type: string[]): An array of left & right arrows, emojiList[0] is left arrow & emojiList[1] is the right arrow. Default: ["⏪", "⏩"]
          • timeout (Type: number): The time for which the pagination will be active (in miliseconds) Default: 120000ms (2 minutes)
        • The following example is only there to show how it works, you need to code the commands, you can check the code of the concerned command here. You only get the reaction menu feature.

          PaginateEmbed Sample
      • confirmation:

        • Get the confirmation from the user on an action
        • Parameters
          • msg (Type: Message, required: true): The message which you want to be reacted upon
          • author (Type: User, required: true): The user whose confirmation is needed
          • validReactions (Type: string[], required: false, length: 2): The emojis for yes and no. validReactions[0] has to be the one for yes & validReactions[1] has to be the one for no Default: ["", ""]
          • time (Type: number, required: false): The time for which you want to wait for the reactions (in miliseconds) Default: 60000ms (1 minute)
          • defaultResponse (Type: boolean, required: false): The result which you want to get if the user does not respond. Default: false
        • The following example shows an implementation of a command which works on using this function Confirmation Sample
  • Minigames

    • This feature is only for Discord.js Bots
    • Subclasses
      • Akinator
        • Constructor: ( message -> Type: Message, required: true, region -> Type: Region, required: false, you'll see the options in the intellisense 🤫, default: "en" )
        • start method starts the Minigame
        • Requires Embed Links permission to run, and there are instances when Aki-API might send errors, so it is suggested that you put it in a try catch block.

Post Script

ℹ️ Contact me at SpiderBro#8604

Feel free to make an issue or a PR in the GitHub Repository

Credits to Dr. Time™ & Conqueror for contributing!


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