Divi Calculations
Please keep in mind these docs are still under construction. May be missing information on certain functions.
Financial Calculator
Calculate Return on investment
calculateROI (costOfInvestment, currentValue)
Description: Calculates return on investment.
const fCalc = new FinancialCalculator()
fCalc.calculateROI(100, 4) // -0.96 (-96%)
fCalc.calculateROI(100, 200) // +1 (100%)
Calculate Compound Anual Growth Rate
calculateCAGR (costOfInvestment, currentValue, reinvestmentPeriods)
Description: Calculates growth rate when reinvested.
const fCalc = new FinancialCalculator()
fCalc.calculateCAGR(100, 4, 2) // -0.8 (-80%)
fCalc.calculateCAGR(100, 200, 2) // +0.41 (41%)
Blockchain Calculator - Extends Financial Calculator
constructor ( <int blockHeight>, <Date genesis>, <int moneySupply (optional)> )
Calculate Seconds until Block
estimateBlockTimeFromHeight(<int blockHeight (optional)>, <Date currentDate (optional)>)
Description: Calculates the block time from blockheight provided. If no blockheight is provided, use the blockheight the class was constructed with. Uses the "currentDate" argument as an anchor. This function runs on construction, so it is necessary to run again unless you update the blockheight.
Returns the average blocktime in different intervals
"milliseconds": 60000,
"seconds": 60,
"minutes": 1,
"hours": 0.01,
"days": 0.0007,
"months": 0.00002,
"years": 0.000001,
Get Average Time Until Block in Seconds
Description: Returns previously calculated blocktime in different intervals
Get Average Blocks per Day
Description: Returns the amount of blocks created per interval, averaged using the blocktime.
import { BlockchainCalculator } from "divicalculatorfunctions";
const blockchainCalc = new BlockchainCalculator(height, genesis, supply);
blockchainCalc.blocksPer().day // ~1440
Masternode Calculator
constructor ( <int blockheight>, <Object masternodeCounts>, <int moneySupply (optional)> )
Set total counts of masternodes in each tier
setMasternodeCounts ({
COPPER: <int>,
SILVER: <int>,
GOLD: <int>,
PLATINUM: <int>,
DIAMOND: <int>
Description: Sets the total amount of masternodes (per tier), to use in calculations. This is also set on construction. You must use all caps for tier names.
Get total tickets
totalTickets ()
Description: Gets the total count of all tickets combined.
Get total tickets in Tier
totalTicketsInTier ( <string TIER> )
Description: Gets the total count of all tickets in one specific tier.
Get total coins
totalCoinsInMasternodes ()
Description: Gets the total count of all coins held in masternodes.
Get total coins in Tier
totalCoinsInTier ( <string TIER> )
Description: Gets the total count of all coins held by one specific tier.
Calculate ratio of Tier's coins to All Coins held by Masternodes
tierTicketsToTotalTicketsRatio ( <string TIER> )
Description: Gets the ratio of all of one specific tier's held coins, to the total coins held by all masternodes.
Chance to win per block
chanceToWinPerBlock ( <string TIER> )
Description: How likely a tier is to win each block
Blocks Until Masternode Reward
blocksUntilReward ( <string TIER> )
Description: How many blocks (on average) it will take a tier to earn a reward.
Time until reward
timeUntilReward ( <string TIER> )
Description: How long (on average) it will take a tier to earn a reward.
Returns object containing measurements over several time intervals.
milliseconds: 101790000,
seconds: 101790,
minutes: 1696.5,
hours: 28.275,
days: 1.1781249999999999,
months: 0.038004032258064514,
years: 0.003218920765027322
Rewards over time
rewardsOverTime (
tier: <String>
Description: How many times (on average) a tier recieves an award.
Returns object containing how many times a masternode will recieve a reward over several time intervals.
milliseconds: 9.824147755182238e-9,
seconds: 0.000009824147755182238,
minutes: 0.0005894488653109342,
hours: 0.03536693191865606,
days: 0.8488063660477455,
months: 26.312997347480106,
years: 310.66312997347484
Rewards in Divi over time
masternodeRewardsInDiviOverTime (
<String tier>,
Description: How many rewards in divi (on average) a tier earns over time.
Returns object containing how much divi a masternode will recieve a reward over several time intervals.
milliseconds: 0.000004862953138815207,
seconds: 0.004862953138815207,
minutes: 0.2917771883289125,
hours: 17.50663129973475,
days: 420.15915119363405,
months: 13024.933687002653,
years: 153778.24933687004
Return on Investment over time
returnOnInvestmentOverTime (
<String tier>
Description: Return on Investment over time for specified tier.
Returns percentages based on time invested.
milliseconds: 4.862959031015635e-11,
seconds: 4.862953137489967e-8,
minutes: 0.0000029177718832215758,
hours: 0.0001750663129973691,
days: 0.0042015915119362765,
months: 0.1302493368700266,
years: 1.5377824933687003
const mnCalc = new MasternodeCalculator(
COPPER: 600,
SILVER: 500,
GOLD: 200,
mnCalc.masternodeRewardsInDiviOverTime('COPPER').days // 76.04889975550122