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0.5.42 • Public • Published

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Welcome to the Discord Bot Utilities package! 🥏 This package provides a set of utility classes/interfaces to simplify 🎍 common tasks when developing Discord bots using the Discord.js library ✨.

Table of Contents

  1. Starter
  2. ButtonManager
  3. MenuManager
  4. PermissionChecker
  5. Options

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Starter provides functionality for initializing and starting a Discord bot 🤖.


  • 🛠️ Handler for slash and prefix commands all in just two lines 🔩
  • 📜 A list displaying all information(number of commands, events, and comprehensive bot) 🔍
  • 🧰 Event handler in just one line 🎊
  • ⚠️ Anti-crash system with error lock 📃
  • 🔋 Direct connection with MongoDB 📥
  • 📑 Logging for slash and prefix command usage with comprehensive information 🧭

⚠️ NOTE: Any option you don't want, just DELETE 🗑️ the option LINE ➖!

Quick setup ⚡
    const { Starter } = require('djs-builder'); // cjs module .js

    const { Client, GatewayIntentBits, Partials } = require('discord.js');
    const client = new Client({
      intents: Object.keys(GatewayIntentBits).map((a) => {
        return GatewayIntentBits[a];

    // Define starter options
    const starterOptions = {
        bot: {
            token: 'YOUR_BOT_TOKEN', // [OPTIONAL] Discord bot token
            logs: {
                terminal: true // [OPTIONAL] Log messages to terminal
            Status: {
                state: 'online', // Required: Bot presence state ['online', 'offline', 'dnd', 'idle', 'Streaming']
                activities: ['Game 1', 'Game 2'], // [OPTIONAL] Bot activities
                type: 0, // [OPTIONAL] Bot activity type
                delay: 60000 // [OPTIONAL] Activity rotation delay in milliseconds
            Database: {
              mongo: {
                mongoURI: 'mongodb://localhost:27017', // Required: MongoDB connection URI
                dbName: 'your_database_name' // [OPTIONAL] MongoDB database name
              verse: {
                adapterType: 'json', // Required: Database adapter type ['json', 'yaml', 'sql']
                path: '/database/folder', // Required: Path to database folder [Note: "Not path to file!"]
                dev: {
                    enable: true, // Required: Enable development mode
                    logsPath: '/path/to/logs' // [OPTIONAL] Path to development logs [Note: "It will create logs file for database executions logs!"]
                secure: { enable: false, secret:'your_encryption_key'} // [OPTIONAL] To secure Data File by encrypting it with secret key
        slash: {
            path: './path/to/slash_commands', // Required: Path to slash commands
            global: true, // [OPTIONAL] Register slash commands globally
            serverId: '123456789012345678', // [OPTIONAL] Discord server ID
            logsId: '123456789012345678' // [OPTIONAL] Logs channel ID
        prefix: {
            path: './path/to/prefixes', // Required: Path to prefix settings
            prefix: '!', // Required: Default bot prefix
            global: true, // [OPTIONAL] Use global prefix
            serverIds: ['123456789012345678'], // [OPTIONAL] Discord server IDs
            logsId: '123456789012345678' // [OPTIONAL] Logs channel ID
        events: {
            path: './path/to/events', // Required: Path to event handlers
            recursive: true, // [OPTIONAL] Enable recursive event loading
            eventBlacklist: ['path/to the event/file.js', 'path/to the event/file.js'] // [OPTIONAL] Blacklisted events
        anticrash: {
            enable: true, // Required: Enable anti-crash feature
            webhookURL: 'https://your.crash.webhook.url', // Required: Webhook URL for crash alerts
            mention: '<@123456789012345678>' // [OPTIONAL] User ID to mention in crash alerts

    const bot = new Starter();
    bot.start(client, starterOptions);
ALL Options ⚙️
    const { Starter } = require('djs-builder'); // cjs module .js

    const { Client, GatewayIntentBits, Partials } = require('discord.js');
    const client = new Client({
      intents: Object.keys(GatewayIntentBits).map((a) => {
        return GatewayIntentBits[a];

    // OR
    import { Starter } from 'djs-builder'; // Ejs module .mjs or Ts

    import { Client, GatewayIntentBits, Partials, PermissionFlagsBits } from 'discord.js';

    const intentsArray = Object.keys(GatewayIntentBits)
        .map((a) => GatewayIntentBits[a as keyof typeof GatewayIntentBits]);
    const intents = intentsArray.reduce((acc, curr) => acc | curr, 0);

    const client = new Client({
        partials: Object.values(Partials) as Partials[],

    // Define starter options
    const starterOptions = {
        bot: {

        token: 'YOUR_BOT_TOKEN', // [OPTIONAL] Discord bot token
        logs: {
            devLogs: {
                enable: true, // Required: Enable developer logs
                pathToWatch: '/path/to/watch', // Required: Path to watch for file changes
                webhookURL: 'https://your.webhook.url', // Required: Webhook URL for logging
                mention: '<@123456789012345678>' // [OPTIONAL] User ID to mention in logs
            terminal: true // [OPTIONAL] Log messages to terminal
        name: 'Your Bot Name', // [OPTIONAL] Bot name
        avatar: '', // [OPTIONAL] Bot avatar URL or local path image
        banner: '', // [OPTIONAL] Bot banner URL or local path image
        BotInfo: {
            perms: ['SendMessages', 'BotMessages'], // [OPTIONAL] Bot permissions to work in any server
            serverId: '123456789012345678', // [OPTIONAL] Discord server ID
            botInvite: '', // [OPTIONAL] Bot invite URL
            serverInvite: '', // [OPTIONAL] Server invite URL
            ownerId: '123456789012345678', // [OPTIONAL] Bot owner's user ID
            partners: ['partner1', 'partner2'] // [OPTIONAL] Bot partners
        Status: {
            state: 'online', // Required: Bot presence state ['online', 'offline', 'dnd', 'idle', 'Streaming']
            activities: ['Game 1', 'Game 2'], // [OPTIONAL] Bot activities
            type: 0, // [OPTIONAL] Bot activity type
            delay: 60000 // [OPTIONAL] Activity rotation delay in milliseconds
        Database: {
            mongo: {
                mongoURI: 'mongodb://localhost:27017', // Required: MongoDB connection URI
                dbName: 'your_database_name' // [OPTIONAL] MongoDB database name
            verse: {
                adapterType: 'json', // Required: Database adapter type ['json', 'yaml', 'sql']
                path: '/database/folder', // Required: Path to database folder [Note: "Not path to file!"]
                dev: {
                    enable: true, // Required: Enable development mode
                    logsPath: '/path/to/logs' // [OPTIONAL] Path to development logs [Note: "It will create logs file for database executions logs!"]
                secure: { enable: false, secret:'your_encryption_key'} // [OPTIONAL] To secure Data File by encrypting it with secret key
    slash: {
        path: './path/to/slash_commands', // Required: Path to slash commands
        global: true, // [OPTIONAL] Register slash commands globally
        serverId: '123456789012345678', // [OPTIONAL] Discord server ID
        logsId: '123456789012345678' // [OPTIONAL] Logs channel ID
    prefix: {
        path: './path/to/prefixes', // Required: Path to prefix settings
        prefix: '!', // Required: Default bot prefix
        global: true, // [OPTIONAL] Use global prefix
        serverIds: ['123456789012345678'], // [OPTIONAL] Discord server IDs
        logsId: '123456789012345678' // [OPTIONAL] Logs channel ID
    events: {
        path: './path/to/events', // Required: Path to event handlers
        recursive: true, // [OPTIONAL] Enable recursive event loading
        eventBlacklist: ['path/to the event/file.js', 'path/to the event/file.js'] // [OPTIONAL] Blacklisted events
    anticrash: {
        enable: true, // Required: Enable anti-crash feature
        webhookURL: 'https://your.crash.webhook.url', // Required: Webhook URL for crash alerts
        mention: '<@123456789012345678>' // [OPTIONAL] User ID to mention in crash alerts

// Define the starter instance
const bot = new Starter();

async function botStart() {
const botstarted = await bot.start(client, starterOptions);
    const mongodb = await botstarted.mongodb;
    const versedb = await botstarted.versedb;
    const slashSize = await botstarted.slashSize;
    const prefixSize = await botstarted.prefixSize;
    const eventSize = await botstarted.eventSize;
    return {
        getDb: mongodb,
        db: versedb,
        slashSize: slashSize,
        prefixSize: prefixSize,
        eventSize: eventSize
module.exports = { botStart };
// Or
export { botStart };
  • Usage for the returned values from botStart() funtion:
const { botStart } = require('path/to/file/where botStart is exported from');
// Or
import { botStart } from 'path/to/file/where botStart is exported from';

async function test() {
    const client = await botStart();

    // Usage for mongoDb
    const db = await client.getDb;
    await db.collection('collectionName'); // See more usage at

    // Usage for verseDb
    const db = await client.db;
    await db.load('collectionName'); // See more usage at

    // Usage for slashSize/prefixSize/eventSize
    console.log(`loaded slash Commands: ${client.slashSize}`);
    console.log(`loaded prefix Commands: ${client.prefixSize}`);
    console.log(`loaded events: ${client.eventSize}`);


Typing SVG

Build 🔵Button , 🧾Menu or 🏅PermissionChecker

  • Easyest ✨
  • Fastest ⚡
  • Clear 🧵

Than the discord.js

🔵 ButtonManager

🔵 ButtonManager is a utility class for managing the creation of Discord buttons ✨.

const { ButtonManager } = require('djs-builder'); // Cjs module .js
// OR
import { ButtonManager } from 'djs-builder'; // Ejs module .mjs or Ts

// Define button data
const buttonsData = [
    customId: 'button1',
    style: 'Primary',// style: Primary, Secondary, Link, Danger, Success
    label: 'Primary Button',
    emoji: '😃',  // Emoji for the button
    disabled: false,  // Whether the button is disabled
    customId: 'button2',
    style: 'Secondary',
    label: 'Secondary Button',
    emoji: '🚀',
    disabled: true,
    style: 'Link',
    label: 'Link Button',
    url: '',  // URL for link-style button
    emoji: '🔗',

// Create an instance of ButtonManager
const actionRow = new ButtonManager(buttonsData);

// Buttons Row add it into components
const row = actionRow.ButtonBuild();

// Exmaple 
const message = await{ content: 'Here are some buttons:', components: [row] });
// OR
const message = await{ content: 'Here are some buttons:', components: [row] });
🧾 MenuManager

🧾 MenuManager facilitates the creation of select menus (dropdown menus) in Discord ✨.

const { MenuManager } = require('djs-builder'); // Cjs module .js
// OR
import { MenuManager } from 'djs-builder'; // Ejs module .mjs or ts

// Define select menu options
const selectMenuOptions = [
  { label: 'Option 1', value: 'option1', description: 'Description for Option 1', emoji: '🌟', default: true },
  { label: 'Option 2', value: 'option2', description: 'Description for Option 2', emoji: '🚀' },
  { label: 'Option 3', value: 'option3', description: 'Description for Option 3', emoji: '🔗' },

// Create an instance of SelectMenuManager
const selectMenuManager = new MenuManager(
  'customSelectMenuId',  // Custom ID for the select menu
  'Select an option',    // Placeholder text for the select menu
  1,                      // Minimum number of selected values
  2,                       // Maximum number of selected values
  false                   // Disabled state for meny (true or false)

// Create a select menu with the specified options
const selectMenuRow = selectMenuManager.createSelectMenu();

// Define a message with the select menu
  content: 'Please choose an option:',
  components: [selectMenuRow],

// Define a interaction with the select menu
  content: 'Please choose an option:',
  components: [selectMenuRow],
🏅 PermissionChecker

PermissionChecker provides functionality for checking user permissions in a Discord guild ✨.

const { PermissionChecker } =  require('djs-builder'); // Cjs module .js
// OR
import { PermissionChecker } from 'djs-builder'; // Ejs module .mjs or ts

const perms = new PermissionChecker();

// Interaction case
const userId =;
const guild = interaction.guild;
// Message Case
const guild = message.guild;
const memberId =;

// Usage:

const permToCheck = ['ManageGuild', 'BanMembers']
perms.checker(userId, guild, permToCheck)


  • Slash 🔧
  • Cooldown ⏳
  • Prefix ➕
  • Cooldown ⏳
  • Owner 👑
  • Usage 🙎‍♂️
  • Description 📜
  • Category 📁
  • Events 🎊
  • intializer
  • retryAttempts
  • execute once
  • execute for specific times
  • timeout
  • name


Contributions are welcome! If you have any suggestions, bug reports, or feature requests, feel free to contact us on discord.

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