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0.3.11 • Public • Published

Discord Bot Utilities

Welcome to the Discord Bot Utilities package! This package provides a set of utility classes/interfaces to simplify common tasks when developing Discord bots using the Discord.js library.

Table of Contents

  1. ButtonManager
  2. MenuManager
  3. PermissionChecker
  4. Starter
  5. Options



Starter provides functionality for initializing and starting a Discord bot.


const { Starter } = require('djs-builder'); // cjs module .js

const { Client, GatewayIntentBits, Partials } = require('discord.js');

const intentsArray = Object.keys(GatewayIntentBits)
    .map((a) => GatewayIntentBits[a]);
const intents = intentsArray.reduce((acc, curr) => acc | curr, 0);

const client = new Client({
    partials: Object.values(Partials),

// OR
import { Starter } from 'djs-builder'; // Ejs module .mjs or Ts

import { Client, GatewayIntentBits, Partials, PermissionFlagsBits } from 'discord.js';

const intentsArray = Object.keys(GatewayIntentBits)
    .map((a) => GatewayIntentBits[a as keyof typeof GatewayIntentBits]);
const intents = intentsArray.reduce((acc, curr) => acc | curr, 0);

const client = new Client({
    partials: Object.values(Partials) as Partials[],

// Define starter options
const starterOptions = {
    bot: {
        token: 'YOUR_BOT_TOKEN', // [OPTIONAL] Discord bot token
        logs: {
            devLogs: {
                enable: true, // Required: Enable developer logs
                pathToWatch: '/path/to/watch', // Required: Path to watch for file changes
                webhookURL: 'https://your.webhook.url', // Required: Webhook URL for logging
                mention: '<@123456789012345678>' // [OPTIONAL] User ID to mention in logs
            terminal: true // [OPTIONAL] Log messages to terminal
        name: 'Your Bot Name', // [OPTIONAL] Bot name
        avatar: '', // [OPTIONAL] Bot avatar URL or local path image
        banner: '', // [OPTIONAL] Bot banner URL or local path image
        BotInfo: {
            perms: ['SendMessages', 'BotMessages'], // [OPTIONAL] Bot permissions to work in any server
            serverId: '123456789012345678', // [OPTIONAL] Discord server ID
            botInvite: '', // [OPTIONAL] Bot invite URL
            serverInvite: '', // [OPTIONAL] Server invite URL
            ownerId: '123456789012345678', // [OPTIONAL] Bot owner's user ID
            partners: ['partner1', 'partner2'] // [OPTIONAL] Bot partners
        Status: {
            state: 'online', // Required: Bot presence state ['online', 'offline', 'dnd', 'idle', 'Streaming']
            activities: ['Game 1', 'Game 2'], // [OPTIONAL] Bot activities
            type: 0, // [OPTIONAL] Bot activity type
            delay: 60000 // [OPTIONAL] Activity rotation delay in milliseconds
        Database: {
            mongo: {
                mongoURI: 'mongodb://localhost:27017', // Required: MongoDB connection URI
                dbName: 'your_database_name' // [OPTIONAL] MongoDB database name
            verse: {
                adapterType: 'json', // Required: Database adapter type ['json', 'yaml', 'sql']
                path: '/path/to/json/file', // Required: Path to database file
                dev: {
                    enable: true, // Required: Enable development mode
                    logsPath: '/path/to/logs' // [OPTIONAL] Path to development logs
                secure: { enable: false, secret:'your_encryption_key'} // [OPTIONAL] To secure Data File by encrypting it with secret key
    slash: {
        path: './path/to/slash_commands', // Required: Path to slash commands
        global: true, // [OPTIONAL] Register slash commands globally
        serverId: '123456789012345678', // [OPTIONAL] Discord server ID
        logsId: '123456789012345678' // [OPTIONAL] Logs channel ID
    prefix: {
        path: './path/to/prefixes', // Required: Path to prefix settings
        prefix: '!', // Required: Default bot prefix
        global: true, // [OPTIONAL] Use global prefix
        serverIds: ['123456789012345678'], // [OPTIONAL] Discord server IDs
        logsId: '123456789012345678' // [OPTIONAL] Logs channel ID
    events: {
        path: './path/to/events', // Required: Path to event handlers
        recursive: true, // [OPTIONAL] Enable recursive event loading
        eventBlacklist: ['path/to the event/file.js', 'path/to the event/file.js'] // [OPTIONAL] Blacklisted events
    anticrash: {
        enable: true, // Required: Enable anti-crash feature
        webhookURL: 'https://your.crash.webhook.url', // Required: Webhook URL for crash alerts
        mention: '<@123456789012345678>' // [OPTIONAL] User ID to mention in crash alerts

// Define the starter instance
const bot = new Starter();

async function botStart() {
const botstarted = await bot.start(client, starterOptions);
    const mongodb = await botstarted.mongodb;
    const versedb = await botstarted.versedb;
    const slashSize = await botstarted.slashSize;
    const prefixSize = await botstarted.prefixSize;
    const eventSize = await botstarted.eventSize;
    return {
        getDb: mongodb,
        db: versedb,
        slashSize: slashSize,
        prefixSize: prefixSize,
        eventSize: eventSize
module.exports = { botStart };
// Or
export { botStart };
  • Usage for the returned values from botStart() funtion:
const { botStart } = require('path/to/file/where botStart is exported from');
// Or
import { botStart } from 'path/to/file/where botStart is exported from';

async function test() {
    const client = await botStart();

    // Usage for mongoDb
    const db = await client.getDb;
    await db.collection('collectionName'); // See more usage at

    // Usage for verseDb
    const db = await client.db;
    await db.load('collectionName'); // See more usage at

    // Usage for slashSize/prefixSize/eventSize
    console.log(`loaded slash Commands: ${client.slashSize}`);
    console.log(`loaded prefix Commands: ${client.prefixSize}`);
    console.log(`loaded events: ${client.eventSize}`);




ButtonManager is a utility class for managing the creation of Discord buttons.


const { ButtonManager } = require('djs-builder'); // Cjs module .js
// OR
import { ButtonManager } from 'djs-builder'; // Ejs module .mjs or Ts

// Define button data
const buttonsData = [
    customId: 'button1',
    style: 'Primary',// style: Primary, Secondary, Link, Danger, Success
    label: 'Primary Button',
    emoji: '😃',  // Emoji for the button
    disabled: false,  // Whether the button is disabled
    customId: 'button2',
    style: 'Secondary',
    label: 'Secondary Button',
    emoji: '🚀',
    disabled: true,
    style: 'Link',
    label: 'Link Button',
    url: '',  // URL for link-style button
    emoji: '🔗',

// Create an instance of ButtonManager
const actionRow = new ButtonManager(buttonsData);

// Buttons Row add it into components
const row = actionRow.ButtonBuild();

// Exmaple 
const message = await{ content: 'Here are some buttons:', components: [row] });
// OR
const message = await{ content: 'Here are some buttons:', components: [row] });



MenuManager facilitates the creation of select menus (dropdown menus) in Discord.


const { MenuManager } = require('djs-builder'); // Cjs module .js
// OR
import { MenuManager } from 'djs-builder'; // Ejs module .mjs or ts

// Define select menu options
const selectMenuOptions = [
  { label: 'Option 1', value: 'option1', description: 'Description for Option 1', emoji: '🌟', default: true },
  { label: 'Option 2', value: 'option2', description: 'Description for Option 2', emoji: '🚀' },
  { label: 'Option 3', value: 'option3', description: 'Description for Option 3', emoji: '🔗' },

// Create an instance of SelectMenuManager
const selectMenuManager = new MenuManager(
  'customSelectMenuId',  // Custom ID for the select menu
  'Select an option',    // Placeholder text for the select menu
  1,                      // Minimum number of selected values
  2,                       // Maximum number of selected values
  false                   // Disabled state for meny (true or false)

// Create a select menu with the specified options
const selectMenuRow = selectMenuManager.createSelectMenu();

// Define a message with the select menu
  content: 'Please choose an option:',
  components: [selectMenuRow],

// Define a interaction with the select menu
  content: 'Please choose an option:',
  components: [selectMenuRow],



PermissionChecker provides functionality for checking user permissions in a Discord guild.


const { PermissionChecker } =  require('djs-builder'); // Cjs module .js
// OR
import { PermissionChecker } from 'djs-builder'; // Ejs module .mjs or ts

const perms = new PermissionChecker();

// Interaction case
const userId =;
const guild = interaction.guild;
// Message Case
const guild = message.guild;
const memberId =;

// Usage:

const permToCheck = ['ManageGuild', 'BanMembers']
perms.checker(userId, guild, permToCheck)


  • Cooldown in slash/prefix commands.
  • Owner, Usage, Description, and Category for prefix commands
  • Events has intializer, retryAttempts, execute once, execute for specific times, timeout, and name


Contributions are welcome! If you have any suggestions, bug reports, or feature requests, feel free to contact us on discord.

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