I just made the DragonEditor because I needed the WYSIWYG Editor to write on my blog.
This module support only Nuxt3.
- @pinia/nuxt
- highlight.js
If you use Codeblock. I recommented use Inconsolata
font. (link)
npm i dragon-edtior
# or
yarn add dragon-editor
# or
bun add dragon-editor
First. Set module
export default defineNuxtConfig({
modules: ["dragon-editor"],
Second. Use Component
<div class="editor-area">
<DragonEditor ref="$editor" />
<script setup lang="ts">
const $editor = ref<DragonEditor>();
<div class="view-area">
<DragonEditorViewer :content="data" />
<script setup lang="ts">
const data = ref<DEContentData>([]); // content data
More information is here Document