- Calculating the final price, discount, and vat.
- Returning the exact rounding value.
Using npm:
npm install duopomelo-ppn-calculator
Using yarn:
yarn add duopomelo-ppn-calculator
Using pnpm:
pnpm add duopomelo-ppn-calculator
Once the package is installed, you can import the library using import or require approach:
import { calculatePrice, numberRounding } from 'duopomelo-ppn-calculator';
const { calculatePrice, numberRounding } = require('duopomelo-ppn-calculator');
import { calculatePrice } from 'duopomelo-ppn-calculator';
//const { calculatePrice } = require('duopomelo-ppn-calculator'); // legacy way
Try the calculation for example the item have:
- The Qty: 110
- The Price: 15000
- The Discount (%): 10
- The VAT (%): 11
const theFinalPrice = calculatePrice(110, 15000, 10, 11);
And the output is:
item_qty: 110,
item_price: 15000,
percent_discount: 10,
percent_vat: 11,
total_price: 1650000,
total_dpp: 1486486.1,
total_discount: 148648.5,
total_vat: 147162.4
Or you want to rounding the number?
import { numberRounding } from 'duopomelo-ppn-calculator';
//const { numberRounding } = require('duopomelo-ppn-calculator'); // legacy way
const theNumber = numberRounding(3.1415926535897, 3);
console.log(theFinalPrice); // output: 3.142