
1.1.21 • Public • Published


Load a master HLS playlist (m3u8) and dynamically filter or re-sort it, or load an HLS chunklist and dynamically prune the segments

Install and run it

To manually run a simple demo, clone the repository and then:

npm install
npm run build
npm run demo
npm run chunklist-demo

To include this in your existing project, install the npm module:

npm i dynamic-hls-proxy

Example Usage

Once you have installed the npm module, here is how to get going:

const { Playlist, PlaylistTypeFilter, RenditionSortOrder } = require('dynamic-hls-proxy');
const playlistUrl = 'http://stream-archive-input-test.s3.amazonaws.com/output/14ajhmZDE6Wi9ct9_qHDCWeukB15ssKO/playlist.m3u8';
Playlist.loadFromUrl(playlistUrl).then(function (playlist) {


Playlist.loadFromString(m3u8: string)

This static constructor method will return a Playlist instance. Pass in a string of a master m3u8 playlist.

Playlist.loadFromUrl(url: string)

This static constructor method will return a Playlist instance. Pass in a string of the url master m3u8 playlist. It will be called via a GET request and the response body loaded in as a string.

setFilterType(type: PlaylistTypeFilter)

Use this to filter the playlist for what types of content you want it to include.

  • VideoOnly
  • AudioOnly
  • VideoAndAudio

sortByBandwidth(order?: RenditionSortOrder)

This sorts the output by bandwidth. The argument is optional. The default will sort best first.

  • bestFirst = Order the highest bitrate renditions first
  • worstFirst = Order the lowest bitrate renditions first
  • middleFirst = Put the middle rendition first and then order highest-to-lowest
  • secondFirst = Put the second rendition first and then order highest-to-lowest
  • nonHdFirst = Put the first non-HD (< 720p) rendition first and then order highest-to-lowest

### setFrameRateRange(range: [number, number])

Set the min and max frame rates you want to include. If playlist does not list a frame rate it will always include it, so be sure your playlist outputs this value. This is useful if you need to filter out 60 frames per second for devices that do not support it.

setBandwidthRange(range: [number, number])

Set the min and max bandwidths you want to include.

setResolutionRange(range: [number, number])

Set the min and max bandwidths you want to include. This goes by height. So [0, 719] would be standard definition only.

setLimit(n: number)

This allows you to only return a certain number of renditions on the list.

For example, if you only wanted to return the lowest bitrate, sort worstFirst and set this to 1.

setBaseUrl(baseUrl: string)

This will prepend a domain or path prefix to all URIs.

setQueryStringParam(key: string, value: string)

Append a query string parameter to all URIs.

deleteQueryStringParam(key: string)

Remove this query string parameter to all URIs.

useDynamicChunklists(dynamicChunklists: boolean)

This will set whether to use dynamic URIs for renditions, passing along the original rendition URI, the set baseUrl, and any dynamic chunklist properties, as a query string.

setDynamicChunklistEndpoint(endpoint: string)

This will set the endpoint that will be used for the dynamic chunklists, with any properties being passed to the endpoint via query string. This can be an absolute path, a relative path, or by default, empty, thereby pointing to the same endpoint that the playlist was accessed from.

setDynamicChunklistProperties(properties: DynamicChunklistProperties)

This will set the properties that the dynamic chunklist should use, such as its prune type and max duration.

getVideoRenditionUrl(atIndex: number, absolute: boolean)

Returns the video rendition URL at the specified index. This is affected by sortByBandwidth, but NOT by setFilterType. "absolute" defaults to true and returns the fully-qualified URL while false would return the exact path that's written within the original Playlist.

Chunklist.loadFromString(m3u8: string)

This static constructor method will return a Chunklist instance. Pass in a string of an m3u8 chunklist.

Chunklist.loadFromUrl(url: string)

This static constructor method will return a Chunklist instance. Pass in a string of the url for an m3u8 chunklist. It will be called via a GET request and the response body loaded in as a string.

setMaxDuration(maxDuration?: number)

This sets the max duration of the clipped chunklist, but is only utilized if a prune type other than "noPrune" is set. The argument is optional. The default will be -1 and therefore no pruning will be done.

setPruneType(pruneType?: ChunklistPruneType)

This sets how the segments will be pruned, if a max duration is set. The argument is optional. The default will not prune.

  • noPrune = Don't prune the segments at all
  • pruneStart = Prune away (remove) the beginning segments
  • pruneEnd = Prune away (remove) the ending segments
  • pruneStartAndEnd = Prune away (remove) the beginning and ending segments equally, leaving only the middle segments
  • preview = Chops the chunklist segments up in to thirds, and takes enough of each third to stitch together a preview clip

Dependencies (1)

Dev Dependencies (5)

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  • jasonbyrne