
0.2.2 • Public • Published

ECSC (ECS Commander)

ECSC is a package of command-line tools for Edge Container Stack of ACOINFO. You may use it to:

  • Create a container bundle.
  • Package a container bundle into an OCI container image tarball.

Get started

# install the package globally
npm install -g ecsc

# verify if the package has been installed
ecsc version

# print help document
ecsc help


To create an container image, there are 3 steps to do:

  1. create an bundle (directory).
  2. prepare and copy your files into the bundle (directory).
  3. pack the bundle directory into an OCI image tar.

1. Create Container Bundle

Invoke create sub command without any option will start an interactive wizard:

$ ecsc create

   _____________ _____                              __       
  / __/ ___/ __// ___/__  __ _  __ _  ___ ____  ___/ /__ ____
 / _// /___\ \ / /__/ _ \/  ' \/  ' \/ _ `/ _ \/ _  / -_) __/
/___/\___/___/ \___/\___/_/_/_/_/_/_/\_,_/_//_/\_,_/\__/_/   

? What is name for the bundle (directory)? demo
? What is the architecture of the bundle? x86-64
? Would you mount and reuse JSRE from the container host? Yes
? What is the start parameter (process.args) of the image? javascript /apps/hello.js

After that bundle will be created in working directory, a default shell file /etc/ will also be created with 'shstack 200000'.

The create sub command also support CLI options (for automation scripting):

ecs create [options]  create bundle with options or start an interactive wizard. 

  -h | --help     print this help document
  -d directory    path to local OCI bundle directory to be created.
  -a arch         CPU architect to use, defaults to 'noarch' if not set, check
                  CPU Architect section for more information.
  -p args         container process (entrypoint) and its arguments.
  -j              if set, mount and use host JSRE files.
  -o              if set, overwrite exsiting bundle directory if exist.

CPU Architect
  noarch, x86-64, arm64, arm, riscv64, mips64, ppc, loongarch

  ecs create -d ./demo -p '/bin/javascript /apps/demo.js'

2. Copy application files

This step requires manual file coping or editing. Application developer may layout the application files into <bundle>/rootfs accordingly.


  • the archtecture of binary files must be covered by those set in step 1.
  • application entrypoint should be the same as process.args set in step 1.

3. Package bundle into OCI image

$ ecsc pack <bundle> [-t name[:tag]] [tarball_path]
  • bundle is the container bundle directory to pack from.
  • name[:tag] container image name and tag, defaults to 'bundle:latest'.
  • tarball_path optional tarball file name, defaults to 'bundle.arch.tar'.

For example, to package the 'demo' bundle created in step 1:

# below command will pack the 'demo' bundle directory and create a 'demo.tar'
# with 'demo:latest' as it name and tag, in current working directory
ecsc pack ./demo


In addition to the above ecsc interactions, you can also use the Ecsfile tool to package images. For details, see Ecsfile User Guide


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