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Use Module ed-tracker


1.0.0 • Public • Published


This is an pre-release of this Package for testing its functionality, please do not download it unless told to do

An module to track EliteDangerous Data with DK Servers

This was made for our Group who you can find here: ED Guilded For more info contact us here

This Tracker requires the edreader package by @fightingdoggo


npm install ed-tracker-alpha


[D] - Depricated

api is currently not done yet, it will be used for direct communication with the server in the future

Sidenote: The script also creates an file called log.txt for any messages logged and recieved


The login Function is used to connect to the Server using an API Key given out in our before mentioned Guilded Server.




Depricated, now listen on the EDTracker itself! The events EventStream is used to read Data from the Incoming connections and logs from internal scripts

There are 2 Types of Events so far:

Event Data
data Data is used for sending Debug Info and Errors from the script, as of now these are not seperated yet
error The Error Event is used for sending errors from the Script and should always be listened at
message The Message Event is used for receiving Data from the Server side. These can be Infos for the connection to the Server, upcoming events or acknowledge that an request was successful


const Tracker = new EDTracker
const stream =

// log Info and Errors in console with "data"
stream.on("data", data)


The Send Function is used to directly send data to the Server. Due to how it is processed, it is recommended to not to send Data directly to the Server to get an valid response. For more info for how the data is processed contact us here.


// The server would now send an message event with the data "Pong"


AppendStream is used to append an edreader EventStream to this instance of EDTracker. This will then automatically send all Journal Entries to the Server to be processed.

Do not use this if you are manually sending data with EDTracker.send()


let Tracker = new EDTracker
let Reader = require('edreader')


The API function is supposed to allow you to directly communicate with the webserver thus bypassing the websocket entirely

This function is not ready yet and not included in current releases.

Listening for Events

To Receive Events simply listen for events on the main class:

EDTracker.on("Event_Name", data => {

There are 2 Types of Events so far:

Event Data
data Data is used for sending Debug Info and Errors from the script, as of now these are not seperated yet
error The Error Event is used for sending errors from the Script and should always be listened at
message The Message Event is used for receiving Data from the Server side. These can be Infos for the connection to the Server, upcoming events or acknowledge that an request was successful


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