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0.0.2 • Public • Published


Elvera is a utility that allows react devs to do spring animation easily without overloading requestAnimationFrame with multiple callback.

Installing Elvera

To install Elvera, follow these steps:

npm add elvera
yarn add elvera

Using Elvera

To use Elvera, follow these steps:

import React from 'react'
import { useSpring } from 'elvera'

export const Test = () => {
  const [, style] = useSpring({ left: [0, 150, 'px'] })
  return (
    <div style={{ zIndex: 0, position: 'relative' }}>
      <span style={{ position: 'relative', display: 'block', width: 150, height: 50, ...style }}>Hello</span>




useSpring takes up to 2 parameters:

  • The first one being the transforms to apply to create the style.
  • The second being the spring's options.
Name Description Default Type
transforms transform used by interpolate to create the style {} Transform
options options of the Spring { stiffness: 150, damping: 20, mass: 1, auto: true } Options


useSpring returns an array [spring, style]

Name Description Type
spring The spring object Result
style The style of the spring animation based on transform { [key: string]: string } // css style



useSimpleSpring takes up 1 parameter:

Name Description Default Type
options options of the Spring { stiffness: 150, damping: 20, mass: 1, auto: true } Options


useSimpleSpring returns a spring object

Name Description Type
spring The spring object Result



interpolate takes up to 2 parameters:

  • The first one being the transforms to apply to create the style.
  • The second being the spring's value.
Name Description Default Type
transforms transform used by interpolate to create the style {} Transform
value value of the Spring 0 number


interpolate returns the style object

Name Description Type
style The style of the spring animation based on transform { [key: string]: string } // css style



useChain takes up to 2 parameters:

  • The first one being an array of spring to chain (needs to have auto:false).
  • The second being the chain's options.
Name Description Default Type
springs springs to chain [] Result[]
options options of the chain {auto: true} ChainOptions


useChain returns an chain object

Name Description Type
current index of the current spring being played number
start to start the chain if auto: false () => void)
end to stop the chain () => void)
reset to reset the chain () => void)


Transform is the object used to interpolate the style from the spring's value.

The value can have multiple form:

  • [from, to, unit] = [number, number, unit]
  • [from, to] = [string, string]
  • [from, to] = [number, number]

The key represent the css property with the exception of the transform property that is splitted between the following properties:

  • matrix
  • matrix3d
  • perspective
  • rotate
  • rotate3d
  • rotateX
  • rotateY
  • rotateZ
  • translate
  • translate3d
  • translateX
  • translateY
  • translateZ
  • scale
  • scale3d
  • scaleX
  • scaleY
  • scaleZ
  • skew
  • skewX
  • skewY
  left: [0, 100, 'px'],
  transformX: [0, 120],
  scale: [0.3, 2]


Result is the spring object and his current state.

Name Description Default Type
springid id of the spring (used for events) - string
isStarted is the spring animating false boolean
time time of the last frame (from requestAnimationFrame) 0 number
done is the spring animation finished false boolean
stiffness spring energetic load 150 number
damping spring resistence 20 number
mass spring mass 1 number
value current spring value(between 0(start) and 1(end)) 0 number
velocity velocity of the spring 0 number
start function to start the spring animation - () => void
end function to stop the spring animation - () => void
reset function to reset the spring animation - () => void
onEnd callback at the end of the spring animation () => {} (fn:() => void) => void
removeListeners remove listeners of the spring animation - () => void
export type Result = {
  springid: string
  isStarted: boolean
  time: number
  done: boolean
  stiffness: number
  damping: number
  mass: number
  value: number
  velocity: number

  start: () => void
  stop: () => void
  reset: () => void
  onEnd: (fn: () => void) => void
  removeListeners: () => void

Contributing to Elvera

To contribute to Elvera, follow these steps:

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Create a branch: git checkout -b <branch_name>.
  3. Make your changes and commit them: git commit -m '<commit_message>'
  4. Push to the original branch: git push origin Elvera/<location>
  5. Create the pull request.

Alternatively see the GitHub documentation on creating a pull request.


This project uses the following license: MIT.

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