
2.2.0 • Public • Published

Automatically Configure Windows for Ember Cli Performance

npm version dependencies Dramatically improve build speed during ember build and ember serve!

Ember and Ember Cli are some of the best tools for the development of sophisticated web applications. A lot of its magic is in the automatic build tool, which also allows for incremental builds during development. Those builds can be a bit slow on Windows - correct configuration of Windows Defender and the Windows Search Index improve the speed dramatically. Made with ❤️ by Microsoft.

To optimize speed for a project, use Powershell to run the following from the root of your Ember Cli project:

npm install ember-cli-windows -g

Parameters and Configuration


ember-cli-windows [options]

If you run ember-cli-windows without any parameters, it will first prompt for confirmation, and then automatically configure Windows Defender and Windows Search for the current directory.


-h, --help      Output usage information
-V, --version   Output the version number
-D, --defender  Configure Windows Defender
-S, --search    Configure Windows Search
-H, --headless  Run without prompting for confirmation

Should you get a PSSecurityException, allow your PowerShell to execute the script by running the following command from an elevated PowerShell. To run PowerShell as Administrator, click Start, search for PowerShell, right-click PowerShell and select Run as Administrator.

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -scope Process

Run Ember Cli as Administrator

Additional performance can be gained by using an elevated prompt, which can be achieved by starting PowerShell or CMD ‘as Administrator’. If you do not have administrative rights on your machine, see the Ember Cli section on symlinks for information on how to enable additional performance gains.

Ember Addon

This tool is also available as an Ember Addon, allowing you to ship the 'optimizing for Windows' capabilities with your project. For more information, check out the addon here.


Windows 8, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 heavily recommended. This script still works on Windows 7, thanks to a small hack by Benjamin Schuedzig.


MIT License, Copyright 2015 Felix Rieseberg & Microsoft. See LICENSE for more information.

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  • felixrieseberg
  • alonbukai